sense there will be at least 45 to 55 boats for Bft alone on the lake During the tourney. Are they going to limit how many other boats can be on the lake. Plus sense we are haveing to give a nice chunk of our moneys to the state park will they me potrolling it alot better. I know all it would take is one jackbass water skier and all of our line will be in his motor.
I can just see it 45 to 55 boats trolling the lake and the water sking bregade seeing it as a chace to have alot more fun at cutting lines. Sorry just a worry of mine sense 2 weeks ago I got spooled on 2 rods and there was not that many boats on the lake?
I am not sure if willard bay has a limit of boats allowed on the water like pinview. Pineview has a 400 boat limit when it is at full capacity and a 200 limit when it is about 65% full. If willard does have a limit it would be alot more than 400 and they will not lower the limit due to our tourney and they will not have extra patrol out on the water.
[cool]I think I recall BLM mentioning once that there is in fact a boat limit on Willard, but I don't remember what the number was.
Hopefully the park rangers will be out on the water enforcing this, and also hopefully that the @$$#$%^ that BassAckward ran into won't be out there this weekend. I'm sure if that jerk is out there and does that to a few boats that with all of the radio communication going on betweenst BFT'rs that he'll have a nice surprise waiting for him back at the boat ramp...[

Most water skiers seem to enjoy the afternoon water better, so they shouldnt post too much of a problem. But Mike
I might be another story. If you start catching too many fish I will have to run over your lines!!! hehehe[

Hey Mike,
When will the gates be open?
The willard bay director said 5:30am his assistant said 6:00am,so I don't know. I asked the director if he could have the gate opend at 5:00 and he would not do it. He said 5:30 is early enough due to quite hours at the camp ground. The gate is on a timer. Get there early and be patient untill the gate opens. We should prepare our day as if the gate opens at 5:30.
need to know if there is anyone not fishing out of a boat? (ie pontoons, floattubes, shore) is very important i know before the departure drawing. thanks petty
Sure they do Polo! Its not the afternoon water it just as soon as they can get up after the night before LOL. You fishing the tourney? FB2 is fishing in San Deigo
I've fished Willard the past couple Saturdays, and I figured there were 35-40 boats actually fishing last Sat. Didn't seem too crowded and the water skiers didn't seem to be bothering much. I stopped fishing at 2 P.M. each day so it could have gotten worse later. I hope they don't present a problem Sat. I'm thinking 50 plus rigs parked in the North Marina at 6 A.M. will deter some of them from launching there. Looking forward to having a good time. It is suppose to be a little breezy Sat. so that should keep some of the bugs down.[

I'm with polo,Mike if you start catching to many fish where coming after you.hehehe.
Can you see it now three boats zig zagging behind mikes boat trying to hook up hahaha.
I'm going out tommorow to prefish,anyone else going to be out there?
YEP! 0700-1400
Mgb and I will be there also, I'm going to drop my 5th wheel as early as possible and then we'll hit the water.
N.E.T.O. and I will be prefishing it tomorrow PM.
[cool]Yep. BassAckward and I will be fishing sometime in the afternoon out there. We'll probably launch from the South Marina, but could be the North one, since that's where Mike will be camping by.