Fishing Forum

Full Version: Amish Tubers?
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On the Machinist forum I asked if there were any Amish machinist. Guys there told a lot about the Amish that they knew around them. Awesome ways on how they "power" their machines without the use of electric. I have seen the Amish woodwork but haven't yet to see how those tools were powered. Just wondering if they do tubin like we do?
[cool][#0000ff]We have never had any newbies sign on or introduce themselves as Amish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My thinking is that since they shun the use of electricity...and there are no wood burning computers...that they are highly unlikely to join our forum.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]About them using float tubes, I do not know how that would fall into their belief system. I am not even sure about fishing. I suspect that fishing would be considered a form of recreation. They are an industrious people, not given to idle recreation, so fishing might not be on the approved activity list.[/#0000ff]
Although, and this is just a thought, they might fish for a food source.