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Full Version: Great Lakes King Salmon
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[black][size 1]I'm going to be taking a trip up that way the last two weeks of June, going to be fishing out of Rogers City MI. How are the salmon numbers doing this year? And what color are they biting on so far, last time I was up that way you couldn't put anything orange in the water without it getting bit! So far this year on the Flaming Gorge orange is still the color, also been having good luck with a gold dodger and white with orange worm harness. I tie my own instead of 3 snelled single hooks I tie on a single treble hook, and tip the hook with a meal worm... Killer rig here.[/size][/black]
Hey daffy, I dont target spawning age king salmon, the only reason is I dont like to eat them, I fish too eat, I am bout 2 hours or so north of rogers city, I fish jack salmon and do very good on spawn, I like steel head spawn best, but mostly use pink salmon spawn cause its easy to get, I just hang out at the fish cleaning station and help tourist fishermen clean there fish for all the spawn, this year is the year of the pink salmon up here on the saint maries river, they run good every other year, I will keep my ears open and report any thing I hear for you though, good luck on your trip, I hope you catch a few, FISH ON!!!
I agree , steelie spawn is the golden ticket !
I've tried spawn and roe from other species of fish but none compair to the attraction that steelhead can provide .
Pentwater fish cleaning station is where I colect free spawn at [Wink].
[black][size 1]I was wondering about what color of lures they are hitting on trolling in Lake Huron. [/size][/black]