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Full Version: Wiper Pics 20 May
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Launched from the South Marina this morning at 0700 and began fishing along the south dike from East to West. Left at 1030 and boated 7 wipers and one walleye. Trolled at 3.0 mph and used Prizm shad and shad rap lures. See the attached pics.
Looks like the wipers were on for you today, thanks for the report. Did you see any of the guys in the tournament? What was the water temp. WH2
Nice catch. Was you using planerboards?
Hey Curt how you doing ? Not a bad day on the water today for my boat . Temps were 68 to 69 . Boated a few eyes and wipers but not big enough to place today but my boy enjoyed the fishing . Had to leave early so I missed the feast .
Proof of the lunker and thanks to Mountain View Animal Hospital in Sandy for the use of the scale. Also, thanks to all the BFT anglers who made this possible, I had a blast. I would also like to thank the academy and all my fans....too much?
Petty, Fsh4fun05, and Bearclaw burnin' some time before we setup for check / weigh in.
[inline "Willard tourney 5-06 winner.jpg"]

[inline "Willard tourney 5-06 Walleye.jpg"]

[inline "Willard tourney Petty Walleye.jpg"]
Let's here some details? Size of the winning fish? How was it caught? details man details. I've been waiting all day to get some info. [Smile]WH2
Hey Curt, hope your feeling better. It was odd seeing Ira there by himself. Someone needs to get out and give BLM a challenge for these things. He won 2 of the 3 events.
Thanks Travis, I had a feeling that Rich was onto something from the early reports, it sounds like he caught the big wiper and his team won first place? Who caught the big walleye? How big were the fish? Hopefully I'll be back in action by next weekend, this thing happened at a bad time, but what can a guy do.[unsure]
Hey Curt, sorry you couldn't make it out yesterday. Was a nice day to be on the pond. We only boated one fish, but it was still fun. BLM's big fish was just a shade under 24"! The biggest Walleye was about 21, and had to have a weight tie breaker. I can't remember the name of who landed him, but he looked to be about 15 or 16 years old. Hope you get back up to par soon.
Yes I was using a planerboard on each side, about 25-50 feet away from the boat.
Thanks for the update Brandon, I was very surprised how few the reports were yesterday. How was the start of the tournament with that many contestant? It has been 6 days since my thyroid operation and I still have this drain tube hanging out my neck, hopefully it will be out later today, what a pain.[Sad]
The launch went quite smooth. I was a little worried with all those boats, but everyone seemed to have a good head, and I didn't notice any problems. Check in also seemed to go pretty smooth. All-in-all it was well organized. Strong work by all those who helped out.

We only boated one was a decent fish at 19", but not enough to be in the money. We needed one other really nice fish to put us in any type of contention. Oh well, it was still great to be out there.

Sorry to hear about the ol thyroid. I'm surprised they left the drain in so long, but perhaps it is oozing a little too much still. Good luck with the recovery process. You and coldfooter ought to get together for some weeping and wailing!
It is going OK. That is some warm water temps, there should be a big increase in wiper activity soon, if it stays that warm. Glad to hear you got into some fish, too bad they weren't a little larger.