[url "http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,91059-13523157,00.html"]http://www.sky.com/...059-13523157,00.html[/url]
Pictures of another large catfish
[url "http://www.thejump.net/id/wels-catfish.htm"]http://www.thejump.net/id/wels-catfish.htm[/url]
You have to read that story. I was amazed that someone would even hold on.
Well, that just goes to show that fishing is infact a "contact sport." Personally, I don't see how the man could have been dragged into the water clinging onto his fishing pole. I mean, what pound test line did this guy have on his reel? LOL I dunno, the story itself sounds fishy to me; but I suppose it could happen if someone wanted to catch the fish bad enough.
I know some of our local mates have been drug overboard leadering a large billfish or another species of fish of a substantial size; but that's all part of the risk we take.
I'd say "stupidity" didn't kill this man, i'd say lack of experiance did.
"Fish don't kill people, people kill people." LOL, I just had to throw that out there.[

I dunno, if i was getting dragged into the water by a fish and I couldnt cntrol the fight, I'd let go..Thats where I figured the guy was kind of dense. My wife showed me that article and it just struck me.
You may be right tho. It strikes me as odd that after getting hit on the head by a rock that he still hung on to his pole. An inexperienced fisherman I could kind of see but the holding onto a pole after your knocked in the head by a rock bothers me. Somethign doesnt seem right.
that guy must of had a killer grip! not sure i believe it, but its kind of funny. thanks for posting!
I can't say I'd let go if I hooked a fish that big...though It does seem a little fishey....
I'm not buying it???[

Well, it is a catfish, fisherman. Nuff said.
Just kidding my catfish friends.
Personally, I would like to blame the angler, and try to say that he is at fault. Face it, he could have let go of the rod or cut the line and everything would be okay right now.
However, I am going to have to blame the fish for this one. The fish pulled the guy under. That fish is as heavy or heavier than many folks. It has a whole lot of pull power- catfish put up a good fight. Maybe he couldn't get off the line?
Of course, we always could take the PETA route and say that if he didn't fish, he and the fish would never feel pain.
I'm a PETA member: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals. Hmm, animals. [

I hold the fish harmless.
If........... there was no foul play,................................... Then the guy was an idiot or just plain ignorant.
1st.... He went big gaming alone. Wrong!
2nd....Drag was buttoned while big gaming. Wrong!
3rd....Line size didn't match the drag on the reel. Wrong!
4th....A nice pair of scissors or pocket knife could have left him being able to tell the story of the fish that got away.[cool]
I did a little research on this and asked a friend who has a medical background. He said that upon hitting a rock the mans muscles could have contracted prior to rigor mortis which would make damn near impossible to pry a fishing pole out of somones hands. So it is plausable, but with getting any story from the internet ya never know if your getting all of it.
I don't know about you guys, but I've been under water many times and if I hit my head on a rock, the first thing I'd do is let go of the rod. Self presavation sets in. So who amoung you would hold on? [crazy]
well, id probably hold on for a while... but for a catfish? i think i would have cut the line. (or set the drag right)
In the story, the man was killed when he hit the rock face/head first. Anyone with common sense or experience would have cut the line or adjusted the drag or even simply let go. I just think this is an odd story.
Isn't that the same country where the guy got stuck in his car during an avalanche. So he drank the case of beer he had with and pee'd himself out?
I'm guessing the guy was drunk and the story just failed to mention it.
Bingo, "self preservation" would have set in. I could see maybe getting snatched on the ground because of getting caught off guard, but seriously, even 100 lb tackle wouldn't hold up to a grown man being drug in the water. The shock administered during the dragging process combined with the mans weight AND combined with the rate the fish was pulling would bring the line well beyond it's snapping point.......Like double. A regular outfit would never have held up.
And like Tubn2 said, what was this guy doing fishing for trophy sized fish by himself anyways?
I think theres alot the story isnt mentioning or conveniently left out.
I remember when I was a kid, I took a canoe out and was jigging for walleye in the whiteshell. Due to pure luck, I managed to snag myself a lake sturgeon. That bloody thing dragged my canoe all over the lake for over an hour, my tackle was way undersized, and even if I did get close enough to land, the fish wouldn't fit in my little canoe. But despite all this, I held on for dear life and did my best to land the fish before he spit my hook. But I'm sure if my canoe did go over, I would let go of the fishing rod....
All I can say is wow!
You know, I have to say that I'm now very thankful for my cat like speed and reflexes of a mongoose! However, the moment I felt a huge jerk that was large enough to tell me it was either a monster or an El Camino....I'd let go because I wouldn't want either of them!
I like a good swim and adventure as much as the next person but there are limits right????
Wait...if I had enough batter to fry it all, I might have to rethink this whole thing! haha
sounds a whole lot of fishy. i wouldn't die for a kitty no matter how big is was. [cool]