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Full Version: a great big thanks
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blm, angler, mjb. and every one else and there helpers.thanks a milllion for a great run tournament.i look forward to next year,and blm i wont let your secret out. that was tremndous thinking on your part. i looked at ood and said right of the bat,he's lost his mind.that is how we used to fish willard before gizzard shad. we was strickly meat hunters back then my hat is of to you,and the angler because in that wind it was truly a team efffort. you have a sack on you for fishing where you was and congrats,on a well run tourney. im hoping this can be the longest running thread in bft history,with all the high 5 that should follow.
I agree with Bigbuck,,Great Fun and a well put together tourny,,Thanks Again!!!!
Thanks -- had a great time. If I only could catch a fish out of Willard.[pirate]
Yes....thanxs every body....that was a great time!!!
[font "Gourmand"][size 4]I agree %100 . This was a well run tourney. I caught my very first wiper @ this tourney. What a freight train he was. Thanks to all involved in making this a totaly fun day[/size][/font]
Had a blast at the tourney...great fun catching Wipers and Walleyes.

Well run, get gettogether...lot's of fun people. Good food speaking as one of the judges. All the dishes were great. Fishes were great. Weather was OK...a bit windy, but not bad for Wipers and Walleye.

Truly AWESOME! We didn't end up with many fish, but it sure was a lot of fun. It was great to meet a bunch of BFTers. The meal was great, the fishin' was great, and the company was the best! Thanks Mike, Rich, Mike and all the others involved. What a great tournament.
had a great time at the tourney. i think a great time was had by all. congradulations to the winners and the food was great. im beat long day in the sun drained me.
I just want to say thanks as well. You guys put on a great tourney and we look foward to next year.
Ditto!!!!! I didn't fish in the tourney, but i did fish and got a few great meals out of cats, wipers, and a walleye. The bbq was excellent as was the conversation. Next year, i will be in the tourney! Come *&%$ or high water! Congrats to the winners.
[sly] Thanks to everyone at the turney. Had a great time fishing with DHONE. The catching could have been better. Nice to meet a few people. Thanks again Angler, BLM, Petty. MGB and anyone else behind the scenes. You did a great job. TM
I'll second that . Great event and well organized . I don't know how they do it but great job . Thanks
[Smile] Yes In deed, what a great day. I had a great time fishing, The catching really sucked for me and my partner but all in all a great day. It was great to put some names and faces together. I even enjoyed being the brautmeister for the day. Thanks to Rich, Mike, Petty, Bearclaw and all the others that I don;t even now helped for all of the hard work you did to make this a great time. Looking forward to doing this again soon.

What a fantastic day at willard bay!

Good food, good company and an excellent job of organizing the event by BLM.

Congratulations to BLM for winning the contest and congratulations to Skeeter for 2nd and BassRods for 3rd. And congratulations to the young man who won the walleye cash prize,not sure what his name is.

Lets not forget about the wives who organized the iron chef awards, the cooks who prepared a fantastic meal for every one and all of the sponsors who supported the event. Its a combination of everyones effort that makes these events successful.

And a big thanks to TheAngler for his support with the event.
[Smile]I, too, would like to thank everyone involved in the planning of a great tournament! While the Dude and I didn't fish, it was great meeting so many of the members and sharing a great BBQ. The effort was certainly appreciated!!

what a blast! i'd like to send a shout out to all involved in the wiper tourney, esspecially the orchistrators. you guys rock and thanx for making this event happen. congrats to all the winners. lots of nice fish caught. it looked like most the action came off the south side of the lake. AnglinAngel was riding my but all day to fallow her hunch and go south, but hard headed me just couldn't break away from the few wipers i located the day before, bout 3 miles north west of the feedlot. shoulda, coulda, woda. couldn't keep the walley off our lines. friday and saturday we boated at least 30 of em. never thought i'd
hear myself say, "it's just another walleye." thanx again guys for making this event a huge success. nice to meet a handfull of you and look farward to the next get together. laters
Thanks to all that were involved, it was a good time and we are looking forward to next years Tournament.
Congradulations to all the Winners!
I concur what a great time and thanks to all who helped put this together. The sponsors who donated time, prizes, and money. BFT, BLM, MGR, PFL and the others Nice work guys.
Me and my son also would like to thank all of you guys that made this another great wiper tourney,We had a great time.
Thanks,fishinfool & AKAjoe.
[Smile]The wife and I would also like to say thanks for a great day on The Bay. It was nice putting faces to the BFT names and getting to chat with the different Members. Food was great and seemed everyone got along fine, I never heard a person complain about not having enough elbow room on the lake and it seemed everyone was very courtious towards the other members during launching and checkin. Although we didn't placein the money we enjoyed the event. For any of you walleye fisherman there is a tournament being held June 3rd and 4th at Willard. It will be held at the south Marina. More info can be found on the web under I would also like to thank all the People that donated prizes to the Tournament. Looking forward to next year and "GO PACKERS".[Wink]