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Full Version: Utah Lake 5/20
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Finally got out on Utah Lake today for some kitty fish action. I had about every bait imaginable for the cats, and I even packed up my yellow pontoon boat, too. Got out at around 8 this morning on the west side of Lincoln beach just past the orchards. While I was putting together the yellow toon, my pole just about flew into the water. Grabbed it, got the circle hook hooked into the fish, and pulled up a big ugly bugglemouth that ate a chunk of one of his jordan river cousins. Stupid carppie, carp is for channel cats! [Tongue] My parents and my brother, and his girlfriend, were all fishing off of the shore line when I finally got out.

Went out a couple hundred feet, to around 8-10' of water, and started drifting shrimp and carp. At the same time I was casting a micro tube with my second pole. Didn't get a bite for about an hour, and it turned out to be a mudder. Only fish I got from the toon.

A while later some guy with a couple kids pulled up and set up shop right where I was drifting. [Sad] That officially ended my drift fishing.

So I went to shore and casted out my bait rod, and set to work casting curl tails from about waist deep, or 10' out. Finally got a whittie on a red curltail. Followed that up with about 10 others.

My parents, brother, and his girlfriend were all getting some fish on worms, carp or shrimp. They got a few mudders and whitties themselves.

We had to leave around 1 or so 'cause the wind came up pretty good. It was nice to get out on the lake, but I just wish the big kitties and walleyes might have come out to play.