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Full Version: Great Anti-PETA website
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[cool][#0000ff]Anybody who is not a PETA fan, and wants more reasons to dislike them, can go to[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][url ""]THIS WEBSITE[/url][/#0000ff]
Git a rope ! [mad]
I didn't think I needed another reason to dislike PETA. I like vegetarians...cooked medium well!
[cool][#0000ff]I recommend the PETA sushi plate. Lots of those fruits and nuts wrapped up in their own propaganda sheets.[/#0000ff]
With sweet and sour sauce is how i like them!
Turned on a rotisserie sound good to me. later chuck
Here we go again...

You guys want to talk about propaganda, the company that funds and runs this ridiculious website is called the "Center for Consumer Freedom" and is nothing more that a lobbying organization for big tobacco.

Phillip Morris started these guys off with millions of dollars so they could fight against smoking bans in restaurants.

They have also spent millions fighting tougher drunk driving laws, and minimum wage increases. They have recently put their attack ad crosshairs on such groups as MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) and the CDC. (the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

Nice group you guys like to associate yourselves with...

Makes me want to run right out and buy a P.E.T.A. t-shirt... (Or at least buy a poster of Pamela Anderson in hers...)
Everything that is right, healthy, and moral! These freaks want to take them away? Looks like it's huntin' time![sly][sly][sly] Anyone up for some "catch and release unharmed" animal rights fishing?