Fishing Forum

Full Version: Scofield Report - Sat 5/20
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I took the family to Scofield Saturday morning and had a great day. We arrived at the lake at 6:00 a.m. It was dang cold! The temp registered at 34 degrees when we got out. We fished in the Madsen Bay State Park area down on the rocks by the boat ramp. There were 5 of us fishing. We started off setting up each pole with a different color powerbait or a worm and marshmallow. We had the first fish at 6:30 and between 8:00 and 9:00 fishing was at its peak. At one point we had 3 fish on at one time. At 10:00 the fishing started to die down. We stayed until 2:00. We ended up landing 18 fish on the day. 11 were decent keepers. 7 were very small planters between 6" - 8" that we tossed back. We had 5 bows that went 16" - 18" and were very fat slab 2 lb fish. We had 5 bows that went 14" - 16" and 1 lb and 1 cutt that was 13". The kids weren't very good at watching their lines and we lost more than we landed as they missed some great strikes. We definitely had good results. The bait of choice for us seemed to be rainbow sparkle power bait. We caught 3 of the biggest fish on worms.

The fish cleaning station was still closed for the season as the ranger told us it still freezes at night. We drove over to the other state park by the dam and that cleaning station was still closed too. We walked down to the boat ramp to clean the fish and there were two guys sitting maybe 15 yards to the East of the ramp and they had some VERY nice fish. Their fish were bigger than the ones we had caught. The one bow he had was 3 - 4 lbs and had a bright red head and a bright red stripe down its side. They had caught a whole stringer of fish using salmon eggs and worms. They said they couldn't catch anything on powerbait.

All in all it was great day. Once the sun came up it warmed right up and we were fishing in shirt sleeves. The kids all got sun burned. Wear a hat and sun screen!
Nice report. I'm glad to hear something decent from up there for a change.
[cool]Great report! Thanks for sharing. I miss that old lake, but I'm gonna be pretty busy this summer getting settled into a new house and all, so I probably won't have time to drive 2.5 hours down there till ice on at Thanksgiving since it's the 2nd lake to have safe ice.
great report. sounds like i need to get there this coming weekend.