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[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Years ago a good friend of mine went to work for a notable sun glasses firm. He mentioned to me that their profits were obscene. A product costing about a one dollar to manufacture would retail at over $50. That said I think the same hold true for some of these fishing glasses. I have a pair of distance glasses made of carbon fiber, scratch resistant, photogray lenses and an Italian made frame. I paid several hundred dollars however I wear them all the time inside & outdoors except when reading. So why the heck should a pair of cute polorized glasses cost almost as much?? How much would you be willing to pay for a pair of polorized glasses?[/size][/green][/font]
I have a pair of Renegade glasses that cost me a whopping 10 dollars that are polarized and extremely comfortable.

A few years ago a friend gave me a pair of Arnette Sunglasses that were retailing for about 150 dollars. I could never understand paying that much for sunglasses unless they were prescriptin which will ironically be my next pair.
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]The next time I that I need to replace my glasses will see if they can also polarize them. Might also help me find my wet golf balls. The guys at the fly-fishing trade shows want the price of a new rod for their prescription/polarized glasses.[/size][/green][/font]
There is a place called the "Sunglass Hut" here in a local mall and some of the prices are up to if not more than $400.00 for a pair of sunglasses. that is just insane. I could damn near buy a John Boat and small motor for that price, both used of course.
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Yea I know what you mean. They call them designer glasses so that they can justify obscene prices. [Sad]It is a good thing that they are not counting on you and me to move their inventory. Now for prescription glasses, p[/size][/green][/font][#3962a4][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]hotochromic lenses [transition or photograys] made of carbon plastic I expect to pay a premimum price. The only time that I don't wear them is to bed. Maybe I would have better dreams if I did.[Tongue][/size][/green][/font][/#3962a4]
hey dryrod. i bought a cheap pair of polarized sunglasses from wallyworld and they work great. i won't spend a bunch of money on something that i know i will either break, lose or scratch. LOL
[#008000]Now this will really blow your mind. After thinking about polarized prescription glasses did a little hunting on Google and found this little goodie."[/#008000]
[#008000]Serengeti Prescription Argosy Polarized Sunglasses - 8 Base Metal - Gunmetal Frame / 555nm Polarized lens FREE S&H Product Code: SI-RX-ARGOSY-67951 Regular price at $709.99. They have a special price of only $457.50. Wow - what a great deal. Duh[Tongue]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Thanks ironworker. I have a few pairs of polarized glasses. But now that I am past 40 [way past] I need the help of prescription glasses. I also have clip ons to see the eye of those little flys. But I hate clip ons so I wear my bi-focals sunglasses.[/size][/green][/font] [font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]If I wasn't apprehensive about someone messing with my eyes I would have laser surgery and be done with it all.[/size][/green][/font]
I have one good pair from Woo Daves, their very dark and wrap around, great for bright days. Otherwise I get mine from Expect for $1.00 and block out 100% uv and some have polarized lenses. I just finished a store front for Soltise in the mall and they actually had pairs for $700.00 [crazy] I wear contacts for the older eyes.[unsure]
Not sure it is worth that much more money but I will say, I put my $10. Wally World special on (amber) and then I put the ol' man's Oakleys (Amber) and I could see fish with his that I couldn't with mine. I think there is something to the more money name brands other than looks and price.
I only wear good quality. I get headachs if I don't Action Optics Otis$150

Well soon i will be wearing prescription glasses again but luckily my plan covers a regular pair and a sunglass pair. Or i can get ones that darken ith sunlight. I have to do a bit more research into what I will actually want. I bought my sunglasses from Wallyworld and love them. Takes alot of the glare away and I can actually see better. After looking at the tag that was on them they are Polarized and UV protected. But unfortuantly I dont have the best track record with sunglasses as my wife pointed out.
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]The glasses that darken when exposed to sunlight are called transitional/ photograys are just great. I don't lose my glasses anymore since I don't have to take them off when I go inside.[/size][/green][/font]
hehe that seems to be my problem. At work i have to switch between my sunglasses when i walk in to safety glasses then back and forth all day running in and out of the building. Sometimes I take them off and set them down and forget about them.
[center][Tongue][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]I see said the blind man to the deaf man.[/size][/green][/font][/center]
Funny thing about sun glasses in my case, is that the real expensive ones get lost and broken just as often as the relatively cheapos.

But, polarized sun glasses are a must when fishing - especially fly fishing.
While I only buy polarized glasses, I would rather buy a new rod or reel for the price of some of the glasses that are out there.

I have had several pairs from Wallys World. They have the Renegade brand that go from 9.95 to 14.95 depending on which ones you buy.

Recently, I purchased some from Sunglass Hut. They are Ray Ban-P glasses. They are polarized and I ended up getting them for under 30 buck out of my own pocket.

They were originally in the 140-150 buck range, marked down to half price. I used a gift certificate to pay for $50 of the price and put the small difference out of my pocket.

I only went this route because it was the cheapest pair that I could get with a good warranty.[cool]
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]As you can see by my Smiley I have solved my polarize problem. Found a nice pair of polarize glasses that fit my prescription sunglasses perfectly. They are not the traditional clip ons as these have four hooks. A pair on each end hold it very firmly to my prescription glasses. Not only will I be able to see to attach my flies but the fish as well.[/size][/green][/font]
Nice to hear. I've had my Renegades for a record 4 weeks now without loosing them.