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Did anyone else fish the opener up at Henry's this weekend, if so how was it? I am thinking about going up there tommorrow, but it depends on how other people did.
I would guess that you have already seen my report by now. For us the catching was comparable to last years opener. The weather was a different story.
yeah i read your report, I just thought more people from this board would have fished Henry's and I wanted to hear how everybody else had done. You always do good! So I needed other peoples reports that dont always do as good as you.
I posted a response to your question before I even read the other thread. I don’t always do well at Henry’s but the good days make up for the slow days. Last fall I fished it for about 6 hours and I only caught 1 fish. Henry's is certainly worth fishing this year.

I've only done well at Henry's on the last few openers because I've been willing to stoop to the level of trolling with spinners and crank baits. Last year I even converted one of my younger brothers that had almost completed the transition of being a purist fly fishermen. He just couldn't resist when he saw me hauling in hybrid after hybrid. As a result he caught his largest Henry's fish last year.