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Full Version: Mantua 5/29
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My son and I fished Mantua from about 10:00 untill 4:oo today. Fishing was really slow. We didn't see many fish caught. We brought home 5 perch and 1 bluegill home for a fish fry. We released about 4-5 5" perch ( to small to bother with). That was it. They were caught on flys, jigs, and worms.
Thanks for posting your report Nkunz, too bad the catching was slow for you. I guess you did not try any trolling? WH2
There was a boat trolling but we did not see them catch anything.
[cool]Were you shorebound, or were you out moving around on the water (i.e. boat, tube, toon etc.)? If you were on the shore, I can understand why you didn't catch much, but if you were floating, I am really baffled, as the float fishermen have been doing very well as of late, but maybe this little two day cold spell turned them off for everyone?
We were in a boat and we fished all over the lake. I think that it was the cooler weather.