Fishing Forum

Full Version: E.C. 06/2-06/4
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[Smile] What a nice weekend to be out. I took the fam up to East to camp and get in some slimer action, wasnt alot of action but enough to keep us happy. This is the first time i made it up theat trolling just wasnt working. Seems the powerbait was all the fishys really wanted to eat. Some of the boats that just anchored and cast out powerbait and waited were doing the best. We tried it and in 5 mins my 3 yr had his first fish of the weekend, nice fat bow. Unfortunatly i just dont have the patience for tha waiting though. We went another half hr without another bite and the boys were getting antsy so we trolled a bit more and picked up 1 more.

Although it wasnt super hat it was a good time. I think the highlight wsa when we were down where i had beached the boat my 5 yr old said "Look dad a crab!" It was a healthy crawdad, so i grabed it a threww it in a bucket, we found another just after that so i boiled up the 2 of em and let the boys try it out. They thought it was the neatest thing they ever saw.
I'll post some pics later.
Mmmmm, fresh dads! Those little dudes sure are tasty! Thanks for the update on East. I haven't heard much of what has been going on up there as of late.