Took my son out to willard this morning to try and catch some wipers fished the feedlot area and only managed 2 walleye in 3hrs. caught on jointed rapalas. at 2.8mph
Jadens first ever walleye
[inline jadensfirstwalleye.jpg]
[cool]Congrats on the 'eyes. Fishin' with the son must be cool. I'm looking forward to it someday when my little guy gets big enough. Hey, what happened to the "swamp yankee?" That doesn't look like it to me!
i sold the yankee last fall and it now lives in Idaho with joyride. i bought wiperhunter2's boat and named it "the husker"
Same area? That's cool. I hope he had fun.
one was caught in same place we caught them last night other one was about 100yds south.
You didn't get them today beacuse you have been out there harrassing them for 4 days in a row. The only ones left have been educated and the dumb ones are in the freezer.
I see if I can get out this weekend with you.
Nice work Jaden. I'll be you had a good time.
Were you using the planers or trolling behind the boat? Tell your kid congrats on the eye for me.
Man petty,You are catching alot of fish man save some for me.
Great pic of your son.
It sure beats working huh.LOL.
work whats that?