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Although I am a pretty die-hard walleye fisherman, I have heard so much about the wipers in Willard that I am heading up there tomorrow to try for them. I have a so-so idea where to go and what to use (thanks to all of you that post on here [Smile] ), but when the shad raps are mentioned I don't recall seeing a size - are they 5s, 7s, or if you know the length in inches I would appreciate some help!!!! Thanks guys!
All i know is the second smallest ones worked last week and the day of the wiper tourney. IN THE MARINA ANYWAY! LOL![Tongue][Tongue][Tongue]
They will all work when you find the fish. I have even caught Wipers on a Mepps Trout pattern.
I don't do as good with divers as I do with Shad Raps.