The Mister and I fished the Bay tonight from 6-9 out of the north marina,had a good night.We boated 7 wipers just outside the mouth of the marina up to the north dike,we trolled crankbaits. We seen a 14'camo aluminum with a BFT flag but never got close enough to talk.MMH
I fished it during the same hours and caught 9 wipers and had 4 more long line releases. Didn't catch anything during the last hour.
I was out there at the same time last night as well. I also seen the camo boat but never spoke to them. We boated 6 wipers and lost two others at the boat. It sure was nice to have the breeze all evening to keep the bugs down. Crankbaits and white grubs trolled at 2.7 to 3.0 mph seemed to be the ticket.
The camo boat was myself and a friend. We landed 3 wipers and missed many more hits. Prizm Shads with gold on them were our best lures. I saw many boats but no BFT stickers or flags so i am not sure who was who. There were alot of idiot water skiers and boats out there last night. I had to watch them very close. Almost got spooled twice by the same boat even after i unloaded a plethora of vulgarity. If i see that boat again we are going to throw down!![mad][mad][mad][mad][mad]
Sounds like the rest of you did very good. Yper was in a small aluminum with yper jr. and they caught 2 very nice walleyes and i thought 1 wiper but i was wrong. Wiper was the shirtless one in the white aluminum trolling out from the pelican island to the feedlot.
I was up there on Sunday and I had my flag out, but could not see any other boats with stickers or flags. I have a 19ft. Smoker Craft, it is Green and Beige. If any of you see me, please stop by and say hello, I would enjoy meeting with fellow BFT members. I also have BFT stickers on the side of my boat but they are a little hard to see. [


My boat has a flag, stickers on both sides on the bow, i wear a hat with a bft patch on the side, my electric motor has a bft sticker on it and my tackle boxes have stickers on them. The thing that gets the attention is the flag hands down. Thanks BLM for giving it to me at the wiper tourney.
My son and I also fished Willard Monday night. We came in with everyone else when the wind came up and almost blew us off the water.
We had a hard time getting our boat on the trailor. Thank you to the folks that helped us get it loaded.
So who was the person that was fishing in the brown boat by himself? I thought that it was MGB. We were fishing the same area most of the evening.
I fished with a co-worker Monday, Sunday I fished it alone. We launched out of the south marina and came in when the wind picked up.
Where is UTAHSTEELHEADER when you need him? If he knows these people are crowding you with skiers he will usually pay them a visit.[cool]
I am usually just a phone call away. we know there are problems but we can't be everywhere at once. I took our 25 foot whaler out last night about 6:30 and for the most part what I saw did not look to bad. I did seee one wakeboarder right along the south dike but no fishermen were around. There was one guy fishing from shore but I think when the wakeboard boat saw him or me he made an abrupt turn north and went around him well outside of 150 feet.
I did have one guy complain about a wakeboard boat on Monday. He was going to sign a complaint, but he docked at the north and I believe the other boat went to the south. I will give you a hint, This wakeboard boat would not of liked me if I had located them. They passed within a 150 feet 5 times and after the fishermen said something to them they decided on there next pass to show the guy 5 moons. If they had been located not only would there have been a speed and proximity citation but also a lewdness. I still have there bow numbers written down so hopefully they will show up again. This guy called me on marine band 16, so if you have a radio try it next time or call on a cell phone.
A phone #? I will program it in my phone.
The best number to reach a Ranger is 435-734-9494, or 911 if it an emergency. Usually that number will work between 9 and 7 p.m.. After that call 911.
I finally got a cover sheet from my insurance company showing my coverage on my boat, I have been laying low and fishing other lakes, I didn't want to give my boat up to "Officer Friendly" out at Willard. Don't know if I'll make it back to Willard for a while though as some of these other places are proving interesting and I may have to do some more research this weekend.[

Glad to hear that it all worked out for you. You do realize I ws joking about getting your boat.
I am glad to finally have a point of contact at Willard, this is a major problem. I was out there most of the weekend and had no less than a dozen such incidents, I have a large boat so it isn't as if they are going to swamp us but it is still a dangerous situation that needs some attention. I will do my part to report these and sign a complaint to help get the word out that this is not going to be tolerated. Thanks for your help!!!!!!