Sometimes at the Gorge we pull into shore and have lunch for awhile. My wife always wants to hook into those 20 lb carp that cruise the shoreline. What is a good bait for these spooky guys? I've heard grapes, tried them and zero. I've heard peas are good but haven't tried them. I know years ago corn was candy for carp. Just looking for a good way to get my wife squeeling like she did Sunday when she hooked a 18lb laker casting jigs for rainbows.
Just don't use corn since it is illegal in Utah.
Like I said, years ago.
The best thing i found was a size 3/0 treble hook with a good sized clip on sinker right above it! lol! Get one in the tail and she will be squeeling like a stuck pig!
BREAD works I have aslo heard they like stawberry soda make some dough with starberry soda maybe.
Yes, Power bait makes a strawberry dough bait that is in ball form and i have heard alot of people say how good it works. Worth a try maybe.
This strawberry thing got me curious. I googled carp bait and found this site [url ""][/url]. Numerous recipes use strawberry. Would just strawberries work. The reason being is I like to use bait that I can eat if I don't use it all. For example: When fishing for catfish I prefer shrimp because they taste alot better on the barbie than worms.
can ya use corn in wyoming?
I do not know.
worms or crawdad's work great,for some real fun use a fly rod with just an old brown woolly bugger the fresh water bone fish is what I have heard them called.later fish
Fishley, About 4 yrs ago I did that exact thing. Stripping a wooley in Hideout I saw a big carp. I quit stripping until it caught up to it then started again and bam. It took over 20 mins to get in and was 17lbs. To this day the best fight I've ever had on a fly rod.
My personal preference is bow and arrow. Works like a charm.
Someone asked if corn was legal in Wyoming and it is not legal.
My grandfather's bait for carp is doughball made from yellow corn meal. Heat a cup or two of water that has been flavored with sugar and vanilla in a pan and slowly add cornmeal. Mix till it is smooth and bring to a very slow boil. Do not boil very long or it will get too hard. The bait must be soft to work best. Fish on single hook with no weight. Wrap this concotion in a damp washcloth and if the fish don't bite, it can be eaten (if you are really hungry!). Tight Lines!
Hey,, you guys should go on that Iron Chief TV program !!