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Full Version: where can I get second hand blanks
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[Smile] Hey, anyone out their know where I can buy some seconds, rod blanks. Most places now don't sell them I see from their catalogs. I want them to make some rods for my grand kids. And most of the seconds you get are just as good as the high priced ones I think. Well thanks if any one has any information on this.
Lots of blanks on Ebay, just search "Blanks" on the fishing section and you'll find most any type.
you might try Jannsnet craft, they have some lower end blanks. or like the other post said, try ebay there's alot of them there, you might be able to buy a few at once for a better price.
later chuck
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i know HFT had some left when he closed his fishing shop you should pm him and see what he has left i bought 2 tuna rod blanks just before he close for 1/2 off.