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Hi there Ive Have been wanting (really Badly) to Get into fly fishing Ive looked at stater packs and what not, and have no clue what I should get, what do you suggest?
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hi the metal_fish and welcome to fly swatters anonymous. You present a good question. There are several factors to consider. An inexpensive set up will certainly work for you however, if you find that you really like the sport of FFing then you won't be satisified with cheap equipment. I would suggest a 6wt setup which is a good general weight to get you started. What is your budget? Some times a few bucks more will get you some better equipment that will last you quite a while. I still have my first 6wt rod and reel which works very well. Naturally I have several other rods of different wts and a bit more expensive. If there is a fly club in your area take time out and attend one of their meeting. Found that club members of just about any group are most willing to help and often will let you try out their rigs when they have fly casting instructions schedule.[/size][/green][/font]
Price rang is about 150 maybe higher thanks for you post i will be looking at 6wt setups they sound great[Smile]
Welcome Metal,

I would agree with Dryrod. I started out FFing about 2 yrs ago and got hooked. At first I bought a cheap setup for about $70. Later I went and took a class from a local sports shop and used their equipment. They had some really nice Sage rods and I felt a difference right away. INVEST IN A GOOD ROD AND REEL!!! At least get a decent combo rig. [url ""]here's a good one [/url], right in your price range w/ free shipping and a $20 gift cert. to the web site. I think I might buy one myself!!![Wink] and it even comes with a case! This will have everything you need to get started (rod, reel, backing, line and leader) And later, if you get hooked like me and buy better gear, at least you will have a back-up.

What are you wanting to use it for as well? If you are looking at small trout streams, get the 4wt. or 5wt. model with 4pcs. this will have lots of sensitivity and pack small for backpacking. If you are wanting it for bass or even stealhead/small salmon, go with Dryrod's suggestion of a 6wt. or even a 7wt. 2pc.

My last suggestion, READ READ READ. I cannot get my hands on enough books about FFing. Go to the library and check out as much as possible. Or do what I do, go to Barnes and Noble and sit for hours while your wife keeps asking, "when are we leaving, are you done yet?" And not just books on FFing but books on Fish, Fish Habitat, Insects, etc. This will give you so much more of a love for the sport.

Enjoy and keep coming back.
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Good point there Discman on reading up on the subject.[/size][/green][/font] [font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]I have several DVDs on fly fishing. Good sourse of information and entertaining as well. Now that I have a DVR on my TV I set it to copy all the FFing shows. Just viewed an hour program on FFing in Yellowstone. Timing is just perfect as I'm headed that way shortly. The only trouble with most fishing shows is that they just want to show their main character catching fish and offer little about their technique, rigging or bait [including flys]. There are exceptions like Bill Dance and Hank Parker. [/size][/green][/font]
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hey there metal_fish forgot to mention that you should check out the advertisers on this site. Many of the top companies are listed here and they always seem to have a deal or two going on. Orvis for one is a good company to deal with. I have bought some of their stuff on-line with no sweat.[/size][/green][/font]
I would just like to add to the great advise from Disc and Dry, that all the major rod Companies have combo's. My first was a Sage Rod and Reel and it came to around $250, for both, plus they threw in the line and backing. I still use that rod.