06-23-2001, 04:51 PM
Greetings Hunters,<br><br> BIG FISH TACKLE has a New Hunting Forum moderator from Tennessee and I would like to introduce myself. My name is L. David Keith, and I love hunting! My screen name is Ghost.<br>I would like to welcome all of you to the Big Fish Message Boards......<br>We're hoping to get the Forums pumped up as they go along…thing is…<br>We can only do this with YOUR participation, so feel free to post most anything you might think is interesting to us HUNTERS that come here to learn, talk, share idea's, tips, or skills that would benefit or help other HUNTERS that are here to enjoy the site.<br>Whether you post or not, if you're here looking, IMHO, pretty fair chance your interested in the great world of HUNTING and Fishing (I love to fish too!).<br>Fun Sharing of Information is our Goal …so… if you have any in that head of yours…<br>We'd like to hear about it!<br>Talking with Michael Hodgdon, here at BFT, he is very interested in getting these boards into a place where folks could come and talk story and trade Info about the IMPORTANT things in Life…<br>HUNTING AND FISHING !!!…...<br>He is very open to suggestions as to how to make these message boards user friendly & FUN.<br>So please, if any of you have IDEAS that could improve on the way the boards are at present, LET us Know.<br><br>As far as my being Moderator,<br>I have a very open mind & love to talk HUNTING; and of course, get information about hunting in different area's, States and Countries.<br>Personally, I love to hunt big game: Elk, Mule Deer, Whitetails, Antelope, Bears and even Exotics now and then. I also have a passion for Waterfowl, Ducks and Geese! I'm into the calling of all of the above too, both big game and the birds.<br><br>Professional Guides and Outfitters WILL be encouraged to provide input…As WELL as regular folk's that hunt as a means of Recreation and ENJOYMENT…<br>Anyone that can provide info, and or, an interesting Story, PLEASE DO.<br><br>Also, I hate say but I WILL Delete any posts that use Fowl language ( pun intended ), posts that are just put up to UPSET others and other kinds of posts that seem to only be looking for trouble.<br>These Boards ARE here for the FUN exchange of information, please respect that.<br><br>I’ll also ask Guides / Outfitters that post Hunting Reports to please use the Appropriate board for their location.<br><br>Sorry to say, but sometimes we run into Guides who are looking only to Spam ( free advertising ) and not contribute anything in the way of knowledge or learning. So please, use this forum for discussing HUNTING topics only. We welcome Professionals to advertise with us, so contact BFT to inquire. <br>Lets TALK About HUNTING!!! … and Have FUN doing So.<br><br>Have a great summer and good hunting next fall,<br>Ghost<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are to big and fat to run fast"