My son picked up his first Musky - 30" casting in the port ramp at 6 a.m. on Friday, as the boat was being launched. Caught a number of small smallies.
Caught a nice smallie Sat. on a spinner bait with white trailer going for musky. He puked up a bunch of tiny minnows. Switched to a small plastic minnow to target smallies, 2 cast hooked up with about a 20" musky, who ran under the yak, as he broke off.
On water by 5 a.m. off by 9.
I have tossed a couple of hours worth of top water for musky and bass, not a hit, anybody have action with top water at pineview?
We were up to pinview this weekend also. We decided to camp at Anderson Cove and got lucky enough to get a nice lakeside site (somone was a no-show on their reserved site, Thanx!). We got on the water about 9 am (late riser) and started trolling for musky. We headed south of the AC ramp and my wifes rod started screaming, but she dicided it was just a snag. I stopped the boat and got the other lines in and saw her line was way out to the side and told her she had a fish, thats when she got it to surface and hell broke loose. It was fun watchin her fight her first musky, it kept taking line and runnin then give her just enough time to bring it back to the boat and then it would run again. I tried to get her to pose with it but she wouldnt touch the toothy gater[

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After that things died down, we trolled back past the camp grounds and my line started to scream out, i got excited and started woopin and hollerin fish on, as i got it closer i saw gold! It was a huge carp that hit my German Brown Rapala! Thats the first i've caught trollin like that. We headed back to camp to get away from the multitude of pleasure boaters. The rest of the weekend was slow. When we went out later that evening i had one more hookup but lost it. Saturday was a bust. Nothin, nada. Oh well still better than work.
Nice fish, hope the buzz was good too. Did the Musky hit the brown rappalla? I wonder if there are browns in Pineview that have fry... I have caught a number of musky on the brown, but no luck on rainbow.
Yeah, it was on the brown rapala, i have never used the rainbow up there, just the brown, perch or fire tiger. The buzz was pretty good too LMAO! It was a fun trip but some of the pleasure boaters came closer than like.