Some freinds and I are headed to bear lake next weekend, but none of us have ever been out there. Im wondering if anyone knows of any good shore fishing there? We will rent a boat if we have to or even get a guide if that is what it takes, all we want to do catch some fish!! [crazy]
[cool][#0000ff]Welcome to the board. You really need to spend some time going back through the archives for Bear Lake [url ";"]LINK TO ARCHIVE[/url]. That will give you a lot of good info. You can also PM BFT member Bearlakefishguy, who lives there and provides frequent updates on conditions, etc. He may be able to recommend someone. If not, then call Darren Pugmire at [url ""]PUGSTONES[/url]. They have a guide service and tackle shop on Bear Lake and they are also BFT members.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Quite a few folks fish right off the dike at the main state park marina. Others cast off the east side, near Cisco Beach, where the depth drops off very quickly. However, unless you know the lake and the fish and how they change through the seasons, you can drown a lot of bait and wash a lot of lures without success.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Spend some time in the archives and follow up on the links. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good luck.[/#0000ff]
Thanks, I will look through archives and check those out. Really apreceate the advice. thanks
I've been out on the lake a couple times this week. Both times I was evening cruising with friends and not fishing. I did, however, take a look with the finder in a couple spots. I graphed fish beginning straight out from the cut in the dike at the "No Wake" bouys and out a ways. It wouldn't suprise me (no promises) if a person could cast out from the lake side of the Marina and catch a fish or two. Ask BLFG for further info. I also saw fish out about 150/200 ft from the first new rockpile.
Thanks alot JoyRide that should help. With a little luck we wont be just catching a suntan.