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Full Version: SturgeonKid is back
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[cool][#0000ff]We had an inquiry on the Utah board a short while back about SturgeonKid. He lived here and caught the heck out of largemouth bass for several years before he moved to northern California with his family. He went on a mission for his church and dropped off the boards for a couple of years. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]For those who knew him and want to contact him, he is now [url ";"][b][#000000][size 1]StrictlyBiznuss[/size][/#000000][/url]. He dropped in on the Float Tube board a couple of days ago, and since he did not make an appearance here, I thought I would post his new handle.[/#0000ff][/b]
[#0000ff]Lucky him. He is living down in Santa Clara, Utah, within casting distance of Gunlock, Quail Creek and Sand Hollow...bassin' country. Within the first week of being back from his mission he caught his largest bass ever...over 11 pounds. He is back. Look for him on the pro tournament trail someday. He has what it takes.[/#0000ff]
Thanks TubeDude...
Yeah, I was planning on making an announcement here on this board too, but I never got around to it for some reason or another. haha. Anyways, yup, I'm back, things are going well...already been fishing several times...haven't been skunked once no matter where I've gone since I've been back. Apparently can still catch bass...only problem is I must be getting slower on my hookset...because I have a lot of bass that are really eating my baits lately and swallowing them whole! haha. That's the only problem I've seen...anywho...good to be back...
Hey, welcome back Alex, maybe we can hook up and loose some jigs together some time. talk to you later

Welcome back! I sent you a P.M , talk to you later
Alex welcome back.
Welcome back Alex!

Alex is responsible for getting me into bass fishing over three years ago on a previous fishing forum. If it weren't for him (and TubeDude), I would not have stuck with it after my first few poor attempts on my own. I've been hopelessly addicted ever since.

Alex probably doesn't even remember but he mentored me on my first few productive bassin' trips to Utah Lake and Deer Creek, back when he was 17. I was amazed at his skills and knowledge, and respect for the sport.

Have fun at those So. Utah lakes dude! I'm jealous.

Welcome Back Bro!
haha, that's a good picture Cliff. Totally forgot about the good ol' days of fishin' in my pjs at Utah Lake. I was on a pretty sweet bite though in that picture. They were eatin' a Lake Fork craw on the edge of the boat ramps. It was pretty much guarnteed for about a week and a half there...I'd just drag my craw along the edge of a boat ramp, and would pick up at least one off of every edge...that was killer...
Hey Nate...
Yeah, I remember those days! Good to see ya bro! Good to see that you stuck with it too. Have you stuck any real good ones yet in the last two years?
Welcome back Alex.