For those of you that fish minnows, I'd like to know the best way to rig and fish them. What hook types work best? Are they best fished under a float or on the bottom, jigged, etc. I've heard of using a treble hook, and half hitching the tail somehow, but this is a little vague for those of us that need pictures to relate. A little better detail on this would help. This is a totally new concept for me, and any constructive advice will be greatly appreciated. I would also like to know about catching and processing them for use. Is this a worthwhile venture, and do any of you have any suggestions on methods that work well? Are there any good places around to procure them them?
Thanks in advance
[black][size 3]Hey high and dry,[/size][/black]
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[size 1]"What hook types work best?....I've heard of using a treble hook, and half hitching the tail somehow,..."
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[/size][black][size 3]You can actually use just about any hook in your tackle box to fish minnows. Trebles work, but they are not necessary. As far as using a half-hitch or a stinger, you can, but again, it's is not necessary. Just hook the minnow as securely as you can(through the upper and lower jaw, or through the tail, or through the back). Make sure you do not cast it too hard or you might loose the minnow in the process.[/size][/black]
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[size 1]"Are they best fished under a float or on the bottom, jigged, etc."[/size]
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[black][size 3]This will depend on the situation. Yes, You can do all three etc. Sometimes I do all three on the same day.[/size][/black]
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[size 1]"I would also like to know about catching and processing them for use. Is this a worthwhile venture, and do any of you have any suggestions on methods that work well? Are there any good places around to procure them them?" [/size]
[black][size 3]You can catch minnows in just about any body of water. You can use traps, nets or a line and hook to catch them. Be careful that you correctly identify the species. Some species are illegal to posess and some of them are game fish; for example - 4 minnow sized trout could be counted as your limit of trout. Also, it is illegal to use game fish minnows as bait.[/size][/black]
[cool][#0000ff]Here are some links to past posts on minnows and a copy of the writeup I have posted a couple of times.[/#0000ff]
[url ";#35612"][#000000][size 1]RIGGING SHINERS[/size][/#000000][/url][size 1] [/size]
[url ";#43303"][#000000][size 1]CAST NETS FOR MINNOWS[/size][/#000000][/url][size 1]
[/size][url ";sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread"][#000000][size 1]GETTING A CASTNET??? [/size][/#000000][/url]
[url ";sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread"][#333366][size 1]WHAT EATS MINNOWS???[/size][/#333366][/url]
[size 1] [url ""]JP Rig Video[/url][/size]
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[#0000ff][size 1]Everybody has their own favorite minnow gathering place(s). Some are well Strawberry, Scofield and Electric Lake. Others are lesser know small creeks and ponds that are kept closely guarded secrets. Nothing beats going out into the back country, armed with minnow traps and a cast net and searching out your own private stash. [/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]Actually, you can use small hooks and a piece of worm to catch lots of chubs and larger shiners in many spots. I have a bunch of tiny jigs poured on size 12 hooks that I rig tandem (double rig) and catch two minnows at a time when I can find a concentration of them. Kids love that and if you can press them into service they can have fun and stock up your bait supply at the same time.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]Right now, the newly hatched carp are swarming along much of the Utah Lake shoreline. They are easy targets for cast nets, dip nets and minnow traps. Freeze up a bunch and you will have prime minnows for the walleye and white bass next fall.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]In Yuba Reservoir there is a huge population of fathead minnows. They are just starting to swarm along the shoreline, especially in the rocky area near the dam. Easy pickins for most minnow gathering methods. Later in the summer they get even thicker and the big trout, pike, perch and walleyes bunch up to feed on them.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]There are quite a few small streams in Sanpete County that have a variety of minnows that are both easy to catch and good bait. A long drive just for minnows but if you are going down there for any reason, take your gathering gear.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]As you have already been advised, pay close attention to fish ID, especially if fishing in waters that have trout or other gamefish in them. [/size][/#0000ff]
I use a throwing net, it's the most relyable but you need to be careful not to apear to be useing them alive whitch is illeagle, I questioned the dwr for a definition of live and finaly got them to say if I stuck athe needle thrue thair head thay would consider that dead but I dont have it in writeing, some cos don't see any difference between live and fresh so I would take care to give evedence of there death.