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Full Version: Hungry Flathead
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Some of you may have seen this already, but thought I would post it again. This Flathead must have been really hungry. A local saw something bobbing in a nearby lake, and went to investigate. Imagine his shock when he found a fish with a basketball in its mouth. He tried to free the ball by hand, but had no success. Finally his wife punctured the ball to deflate it while the husband held the fish. After removing the ball, the husband held the fish until it gathered enough strength to swim away. Kind of weird, due to flatheads only eat live food. Tony
[cool][#0000ff]Hey Tony, this story has made the rounds during the past year, and has been posted on several of our boards. But, we have not seen it here and I am sure it will impress some of our "cataholics". [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have fished for flatheads in several states, and I agree that they generally prefer live prey (fish, crawdads, etc.). But, I have seen them take surface swimming fish, muskrats and ducks so I assume that the ball was a case of mistaken identity...if it was being blown by breezes or bobbing in the ripples.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just like a lot of people, it bit off more than it could chew...or swallow. Still not enough for me to go buy a basketball and hang a hook from it as a flathead lure. I'll stick with baiting them with big sunfish or small carp.[/#0000ff]