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Full Version: Late Strawberry report 7/11/06
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The Strawberry yesterday with a friend and 3 kids. Launched at 7:30 and started off north of mud creek. Located some schools and jigged for them with very little success. Plenty of fish on the finder but not much action. Tried different color jigs tipped with different things and different scents but they had lock jaw. Saw some fish crusing the shallows and casted to them and they would follow it but not hit it. Trolled (long lined tubes and rapalas) over to the knowles but the fish were too deep for our long lining. Marked more fish over by the knowles and jigged there a got a few. Moved over by the ladders and marked more fish and got a few more. Lots on the finder checking out my jig but very few takers. Ended up catching 5 fish, all cutts 18-20 inches. Not what i was expecting since hearing all the good reports lately and I can usually hold my own on that lake. Who knows, some days are that way and I'll just blame it on the full moon!!!
Thanks for your report . Sure wish I could at least find one cutt over 20" , but will try again this weekend . After I play with the kokes some more .
Ya, I agree...the big ones are elusive to me as well! Seems to be lots of fish in the lake with a reported 200,000 cutts over 20 inches as estimated by the DWR. But those 22+ inchers must smell me coming and leave town I guess! [blush] I sometimes wonder if fish can read and someone wrote on the bottom of my boat "Run Forest Run! or "Swim away very fast Nemo!

I need to get me some downriggers so I can play with the kokes as well!
I had a day just like that a few weeks ago with my brother, we could see fish everywhere, but they wouldn't hit. Finally we but on pop gear with 2 oz and 3 oz. trolling sinkers, with a wedding ring and worm. We did that during our last hour, and boated a dozen fish. I hate using pop gear, but I hate not catching fish more. Try that next time. Trolled in 45-65' of water, rigs running 20-30' deep at 1.5 mph. I finally got one over 20" last weekend doing that, see attached pic.
After all the good reports, I too tried Strawberry (for the first time) on Monday and Tuesday. Managed only 5 cutts on Mon, 3 on Tuesday.... fishing 35-40 feey over 55-70 feet. Nothing big - a couple under 15. Tried to find the Kokes since that is what I was really after, but could not. I am not discouraged though - I will be back!!