Fishing Forum

Full Version: Free Auction , B.F.T. Cap, Enter Here
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[size 1][#0000ff][size 4]B.F.T. Members only [/size][/#0000ff]
[blue][size 4]No money involved ! [/size][/blue][Image: 2tonecap100.jpg][/size]
[size 1]Up for auction on the Michigan Board is this [url ""][#000000]2 Tone Blue and White BigFishtackle.Com Cap[/#000000][/url] [/size][size 1]

Retail Price $12.99 , Yours for the winning bid.
This Auction begins July 16,2006 and ends July 26,2006 .[/size]
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[size 1]Opening bid required is one fish pic .[/size]
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[size 1]How many fish pics are you willing to bid ?, that's up to you but , bid responsibly[Wink]. [/size]
Hey there Lonehunter, i'd like to have that hat. I don't have a hat yet. [cool] I'm not sure exactly how this works, but i'll start the bid at

10 pictures!!!!!!!!!

Do I need to post them here now? What until the bidding is over? Post them on the photo board? Let me know partner.
Yes , post your pics now [cool]!
Just make sure they are your fish pics and not someone elses , we don't want anyone borowing fish pics and going into debt over the contest , LOL [laugh]!
You might want to start the bidding low and see if there is a counter bid , we will be holding other auctions for B.F.T. stuff and we wouldn't want your photo bank going broke [Wink] .

Thanks for being our first bidder !
I'll make Tarpon work for it, so I'll post 1 bid and see what happens next. Post pic's here I assume?

[inline channel1.jpg]
Yes Sir ![cool]
That's a great bid !
Good luck winning the auction !
OK, I'll start my bid at 5!!!!!!!!!!! Here they are[cool]
[unsure] Sorry , but your pics didn't show up !
Send me your mailing address in a P.M. and I will send you something anyway , just for being a contestant [cool] .
A new auction will be posted soon .....
Well , looks like you have won the bidding , and what a bargin [cool]!
Soon you will be sporting your new B.F.T. cap , as soon as you P.M. me your mailing address .
Another auction will be starting soon , keep your eyes peeled [Wink].
I couldn't get the pictures to paste on the screen. You actually have to click the attachment links in order to see the pictures. LOL, no harm no fowl though.

Congrats EZOP!!!!!!
Man I am late again, I was going to bid a 17 inch rubber walleye caught on a 10 inch rubber worm...
I promise to post a picture here on the Michigan board with me holding the very first fish I catch wearing the new hat. Hopefully the fish won't be a dink, but it will be one of many now that I have a new lucky hat.
Thankyou Lonehunter and BFT.
Thank you Lonehunter I received it today. I even tried fishing just for the photo opt. so I could post fresh fish on this board. But no fish wanted anything to do with me so I decided to send you something your way instead as a gift of appreciation. Your a good man and we hope that we shall meet one day. I promise the next fish I catch will be posted here in Michigan Land
You are most welcome my friend [cool]!