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Full Version: Utah Lake this morning 7-16
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Got on the lake at 6:30. By 8:30 I had 5 cats in the basket and one white bass. I did have 4 other pick ups but couldn't set the hook. Caught one more cat around 10:00 and off the water at 11:00
I was fishing on the west side of the lake using chub cut bait below a bobber. Didn't have a camera with me but did have a scale. 2, 4 pounders, 3, 6 pounders and 1 one pound cat.

Great morning.
[cool][#0000ff]Way to go. Sounds like you got 'em dialed in now. Careful you don't get spoiled.[/#0000ff]
I haven't had the chance to make it down to UL yet this year, but I need to do it some time soon. Thanks for the report.
Thanks for the report... Sounds like you had a great time. [sly]
It would be easy to get spoiled with days like today.