Fishing Forum

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We went to the Gorge last week and got home last night. We fished Thursday,Friday,Saterday. We boated 30 fish to be exact. Had a great time, fishing was hot at times and not so hot at other times. Twice we had triple hook-ups on the kokes. Kokes wanted anything with the name Shasta Tackle attached to it. Jared(sockeye) must have them all trained to take these lures. Thrursday was really windy. Friday and Saterday zero on the wind but really hot on the temps. Water temp was anywhere from 67-70 degress that I found. We fished from carter creek all the way north to Buck Board. Filled the boat up with Gas in Fort Bridger on the way home $197.00 I've got to do the math to see how much each koke cost me.

26 kokes average 2 - 3.5 lbs
3 macks under 10lbs
1 rainbow 3lbs
0 small mouth

note: most fish were released un-harmed. a couple made it to the cooler to be smoked.
do yourself a favor and dont do that math! sounds like a fun trip. thanks for posting.
Way to go on the fishing trip . I've been picking up a few kokes at the Berry on them riggers you sold me . I'm hooked on downrigger fishing now . Sure glad my fuel tank on my boat is only 6 gallons . [cool]
If i sit down a figured out how much each fish cost,I would probable give up fishing(not really) .Check out my post on the wyoming board ,to see how Daffy and I fared.