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Full Version: DWR "Roadblocks" Little Hole Lodge
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[cool][#0000ff]For those who are opposed to the building of a lodge at Little Hole, on the Green, there is encouraging news in an [url ""]ARTICLE IN THE TRIBUNE[/url] this morning.[/#0000ff]
props to the DWR, I hope the stick to their guns on this. I have sent emails to officials from Sitla and Daggett county only to get those stupid frustrating canned replies thanking me for my concern on the issue.
It would be a shame if this goes through, it will not only ruin a blue ribbon fishery, but also valuable winter range for a struggling deer population.
I was up there last month, it was amazing to me that the first thing we noticed after we got done drooling over the river was 15 deer and 11 turkeys all in those fields right across from first ramp at little hole. It was a beautiful think to see at 6:00 AM, just one more thing that sets the Green River apart from any other river in Utah.
I wrote to the govenor's office, and they gave me a stupid form letter reply too. I hate that our govenor is all about big business.
Interesting article, and quite encouraging. I have a question though... Does this mean the road is closed to the public at large? A few friends and myself are planning a trip in on that road late in August, and the question is, will we be able to still access the river using that dirt road.

I have driven that road many times over the years, and I had the same concerns as mentioned in the article, that they would have to widen that road and likely pave it, so those elite lodge folks will be able to access the lodge.
[cool][#0000ff]My understanding is that the DWR keeps the road open both for their own use and the fishing public as long as there is no abuse. As the article pointed out, making it available to the commercial interests would require some major upgrades to the road which DWR is not willing to abide with at this point.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am guessing that you will still have your usual access, but a call or letter to the right parties might serve to clarify it.[/#0000ff]
The road to little hole is paved, it would be nothing to ferry materials and guests across the river. This is not over yet, do not let down your guard. Money does not let up, they will just backroom this until they get their way.
A string of mules on the west side and a few drift boats is all it would take. Not even a cable.