You know I keep hearing all these great stories about catching wipers at Willard, and I keep getting sucked into going back hoping my luck there will change. Our church youth had a beach and skiing party there at the Pelican beach area Wed. evening, so I figured I might as well take the fishing boat along in order to get my $9.00 worth of fun from the entrance fee. I launched at the North Marina and motored over to the pavilion where supper was on. One of my neighbors brought fresh Tremonton corn on the cob. Good stuff! After eating I coaxed our Scoutmaster into going out with me. He didn't have his license, so I made him the Captain of the ship (Ha Ha) and taught him the controls. We saw several boils off the beach and ocassional lone wiper jumping, but never got close enough to do any good before the action died. We trolled through lots of fish, but not even one hit. Oh well, it was fun until the storm front came in. I had taken Matt back to the beach to catch his ride home. I saw the wind coming and debated whether to try to outrun it back to the marina, and chickened out and beached the boat. Later I decided to heck with it and caught a ride to the marina for the truck and trailer. I asked the big macho boys with us to give me a hand and we carried the boat to the trailer by the sidewalk. That was easier that waiting in line at the marina with all the rest of the boats trying to get out of the water. Hopefully one of these days I can figure out how to catch a wiper again. Acey
[cool][#0000ff]Those wipers just got no sense of fairplay and respect. Guys that have caught a lot of them, and don't need the thrill, still keep catching them. The newbies just can't seem to get a break and catch one. Wonder why that is. Maybe something to do with education and experience.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I doubt that it will make you feel better, but there are a lot of wiper "experts" that don't catch fish on every trip...even in the boils. Sometimes the fish are wide open and hit anything that you throw at them. Other times it seems like you can't get bit, even if you were to use fresh live bait (which of course we don't, in Utah).[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]What is really frustrating to some folks is that complete rookies go out trolling with WalMart special lures and load the boat on their first trip. Suddenly they are "experts" and hold forth telling everyone how easy wipers are to catch. But, them wiley wipers get revenge by never biting on those lures again and making the loudmouthed lucky rookies eat crow instead of wiper.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It is one thing to read about somebody else catching the fish, and what they used and all that. But, like most fishing, reading about it is no substitute for being able to spend a couple of days on the water with one of the pros, and learning at least what the options are and how to try to figure out the fish based upon what you see on the sonar and what you know of their current habits. There is both art and science in fishing for almost any fish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just remember, when you catch fish, it is because you have skill. If someone else catches them and you don't, it is pure dumb luck.[/#0000ff]
The last paragraph of your post is quite possibly the truest words ever spoken!!
] Skill on my part, and dumb luck otherwise.....
I just started Wiper fishing a few years back, first from the bank and then a little aluminum and had great success. It was so easy that if it wasn't for the fight those little fish put up I would have gone back to chasing trout. But I have had a unfortunate turn of luck in the last few seasons. It has been spotty at best for me. I have been throwing it all at them to no avail. At first I was blaming it on habits, and trends in the fish or the old,"there just not biting today" bit. But on return to the marina after several skunked or low success trips and seeing other anglers with stringers full, and stories about more released I have a new found respect to Wipers, Willard and the people who can put it all together on a semi regular basis. Dumb or beginners luck only lasts so long and then you have to serve your time and figure out what works best for you,fish and the conditions at hand................
Like the posts, keep them coming.........
Been there done that more times than I want to even remember.
I have had my skunk days at Willard also.The latest things I have learned is that wipers will boil anywhere in the afternoon,even in the middle of the lake,and to get up to the boil as fast as you can,and be ready to cast fast!3/8 oz Kastmasters in silver and silver/blue
Just fish on or close to the surface, and you should hook up. The shad are small so down size to two inch baits.