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Tried to do a search but couldn't get past bassrod's posts.[unsure] Well dummy here left his rod and reel at his last fishing spot so naturally it's gone, gone.[mad] Any way I'm in the market for a warm water rod to be used primarily on smallies and other bass, and warm water fishes, light-med. action, 7-7 1/2 ft. , spinning rod. Can you guys recommend a brand/model to look for that is inexpensive, say in the $30-60 range that won't bust the first time out and has reasonable bass stiffness/action? I typically fish with 4-8 # line and slow finness plastics, etc., from my tube. If you have suggestions where else to post on BFT, feel free.
[cool][#0000ff]That really was a bad day at Willard, wasn't it? Or did you leave the rod somewhere else after that?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I know a guy in Salt Lake that makes rods and has a few that he might negotiate a deal on. Want me to hook you up with him?[/#0000ff]
I guess that depends on the price, since I'm really money conscience with the up coming trip. It sure wouldn't hurt if it isn't any trouble.
Leaky, I found a St. Croix Premier thats right in your ballpark. I got 2 baitcasters from Cabelas and CBR got his spinning version there. I have that crankbait version but i use it with 8lb line and light weights. CBR's spinning version is now his sacred drop shot rod. CBR has also been texas rigging with tubes.

Its a PS70MLF St. Croix Premier. MLF stands for medium-light power. You can get both one piece or two piece rods. The catalog says $90-100, but we paid less than that. I know if Sportsman's have them in stock they run about $60. Go to Sportsman's and ask Jeremy to see what he has, I know for sure he has the 6'6 model(check out the feel. its awesome).

St. Croix Rods ... The Bomb.
I think my memory is off. I'm thinking the rod I lost was 6 1/2 or 7 ft. What do you guys recommend for my type of fishing? I'm leaning towards 6 1/2.
Obviously this is all up for debate, but I would go with a 6 1/2 ft in a one piece if that works for you.
Repala makes rods like you are talking for less than $30,and they are not junk,they are IM6 rods.Sportswarehouse