07-21-2006, 06:22 PM
This joke came out of the mouth of a DNR officer, this is not me making this up.
Joe and Bob are out fishing, its a great day for fishing and the fish are biting as fast as you can get you hook in the water. After a few hours of keeping every big fish they get they decide to head in for the day. After loading up their boat a dnr officer asks to check their licenses. Their licenses were valid. Then he asks to check the livewell. Upon looking in the livewell, the officer comes back and says "you guys are 10 fish over your limit, so I am going to have to write you a ticket" Being that it was Joe's truck and boat, he immediately perked up and said "no no no, we are not over our limit, I would never keep more than my limit. These are my pet fish and I take them down to the lake everyday to get some exercise. I let them go I whistle and they come back to me" So the CO says "alright but you are going to have to prove it to me" Then, Joe goes on to take out 10 fish and put them back in the lake. Then the CO says "ok now whistle and bring all those fish back." Then Joe after a little giggle and smirk says "what fish?"
Joe and Bob are out fishing, its a great day for fishing and the fish are biting as fast as you can get you hook in the water. After a few hours of keeping every big fish they get they decide to head in for the day. After loading up their boat a dnr officer asks to check their licenses. Their licenses were valid. Then he asks to check the livewell. Upon looking in the livewell, the officer comes back and says "you guys are 10 fish over your limit, so I am going to have to write you a ticket" Being that it was Joe's truck and boat, he immediately perked up and said "no no no, we are not over our limit, I would never keep more than my limit. These are my pet fish and I take them down to the lake everyday to get some exercise. I let them go I whistle and they come back to me" So the CO says "alright but you are going to have to prove it to me" Then, Joe goes on to take out 10 fish and put them back in the lake. Then the CO says "ok now whistle and bring all those fish back." Then Joe after a little giggle and smirk says "what fish?"