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Full Version: Need rod buying advice. I have a few that I would like your input on, that I may buy one of.
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I am considering buying a 4 piece 5/6 rod from my local [20 miles] fly shop. They have the Cortland Endurance series 1 $89.00 and II $100.00 or Temple Fork Professional series rods $139.00 or finesse series $179.00 all 9' 4 pc
I liked the feel of them all about equally, but am inexperienced. Are these good river trout fishing rods?
Are the prices good or am I paying list price? [Image: smile.gif]
My in put is for the TFO. I have several high end rods, and recently purchased the TFO pro series 10' 5 wt 4 pc. and I absolutly love this rod. I am even getting use to the full wells grip.
[black][size 3]Hey 5282jt,[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]I have one of those Cortlands(along with a number of other lower end rods for loaners etc.) those are pretty good for the money. [/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]However, for a few bucks more, Temple fork rods are mighty fine instruments. If money can be budgeted, I would go in that direction. But remember, the Rod is just one of the items that need to be considered in the budget. [/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]That said, I would recommend putting as much of the budget as you can afford into the Rod and the Fly Line. If you need to scimp, do it on the reel - there are a lot of cheapos available that will more than aqauately hold even the best of fly lines. [/size][/black]
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hi there 5282jt and welcome to the Fly Fishing board. These folks have given you some good advise. I would also opt for the TFP rod. Also a good quality line is a must. It will probably cost you in the area of + $50.00. Many of the new lines don't require any dressing. S&A, Rio, Cortland to name a few are all worthy manufactures of quality fly lines. Something else that you won't have to worry about. A 5/6 wt rod is a good wt to start with. The prices that you quoated are the same that I found on line. A rod tube will cost you another $22.95. Good luck and name your first after me. Fish that is.[/size][/green][/font][Wink]
Also, check SIERRATRADINGPOST.COM they have some killer deals from time to time.[cool]