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Full Version: Pimp my ride, part I
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I haven't figured out how to take my pictures and put them into my message....
I built a simple rod holder to attach to the rear of my tube.

I found some clamps that worked quite well.
[inline "rod holders 1.jpg"]
They were in the small parts bins at Lowes and are called "1 inch rubber lined clamps"
The pipe is 1 1/4" piping.
[inline "rod holders 3.jpg"]

[inline "rod holders 4.jpg"]

[inline "rod holders 5.jpg"]
I should have used T's on the ends to accomodate long handles.
I'll have to flip it so the reels are on the other side of the rack.

[inline "rod holders 7.jpg"]
[inline "rod holders 8.jpg"]

[inline "rod holders 9.jpg"]
Otherwise it seems to be a fairly stable setup. I'm sure I'll screw with it down the road.

[cool][#0000ff]Looks like a pretty good first effort. With all of the different designs of frames for toons, you have to experiment around to find what is going to work. But, once you try it, you immediately find out what is right and what is wrong with it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Necessity is a mother.[/#0000ff]
Great Job. LOOKING GOOD[Wink] Hope it works for you, looks good on paper.
Well, so far, so good. Its pretty solid. I reversed the setup so the reels on the back.
My biggest mistake was not using "T's" for the ends. I'll probably rebuild it when I get a chance.
Dude you got so much energy, I have no dought at all you will get it. You don't live too far from me, maybe I will get to see the real thing on the water.
Keep up the good work.
is there pictures? if there is i cant see them..
[cool][#0000ff]If you use the T connectors, you will not need the tubes to be so long. The rack rides high enough that you will not have to worry about the handles getting in the water.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]All in all, a good design.[/#0000ff]
Those clamps are pretty cool. I have the same toon and holder. I did use the T's on the ends but I wish I would have seen those clamps. I just have a few u bolts hoding mine on. I like those clamps a lot better.
I also didn't glue in all of the long pipes for my holder so I can swap them out. I had to cut one different for my fly rod and I kept another one long for my landing net.
All in all I like the design.
Have you had your toon out yet and how do you like the ride?
Yeah I'm thinking next time I will glue the frame together, but not the actual rod holder tubes. That'll make it easier to make changes, like shortening the tubes and whatnot.
I got the 'toon out on Saturday. I love it, but realized a few things. Rod holders, anchor point for the anchor, and the staidum seat hurt my shoulder blades while rowing (fixed that yesterday).

The pics are at the bottom of my first post.
pic test
[inline "rod holders 5.jpg"]
Okay, I *think* I got the inline image thing figured. Tell me if that works for ya'll.