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[left][font "Arial"][size 3]TODAY'S FIRE REPORT:

Well for those who haven't heard, Capt. Ben has lost his boat shed and boat to fire. At 3:45am, Capt. Ben awoke to a loud boom noise. When he stepped outside, his boat shed and boat was fully engulfed in flames. Capt. Ben said that there was no trying to put it out and that they quickly moved to the neighbor's house due to the boat having 70 gallons of gas stored in it. While there they called the fire department, who quickly responded to the call.

The report was in! Somebody had stolen the two large ice chest out of Capt. Ben's boat. Out of his shed they stole all of his tools and all his fishing rods and reels. Then if that wasn't enough, they threw what we believe to have been gas, on the building and on his boat, then set it on fire and took off. Capt. Ben only awoke when the fire had melted the power lines and caused the transformer to blow.

How devastating this was to me and Ben!!! The insurance companies won't insure a boat shed, so needless to say we won't be getting any money to rebuild it nor did we get any money to rebuild it after hurricane "Katrina" hit and destroyed it. We owe $20,000 on the boat shed and we borrowed another $10,000 to rebuild it after hurricane "Katrina". Guess how much they are figuring the fire damage is going to cost us!! At the least, another $10,000. I really wonder if the idiot that burned it really knows what he has done to us? This person truly needs to be locked up for the rest of his natural life!!!! To steal from a person who has lost everything and then torch the remainder and destroy his only means of income, just doesn't need to be living a free life. I'm hoping God will take care of this person in a very slow and painful way!

We still have to manage to pay for the lifting and bracing of our mobile home that we bought. That's going to cost over $20,000 and we were relying on Ben's fishing charter income to help pay for this. Not to mention that we spent $13,000 on the mobile home, $3,000 to have it moved down there, and another $10,000 in pilings. Like I said, we got no insurance money after the hurricane. FEMA has given us no money, only the trailer to live in and SBA has only given us $10,000. The rest of the SBA money will be released once the mobile home is done. Until then, we have been scrapping to get the money needed to start these projects. Now with no boat to run the charters, where is the money going to come from? There's no more barrel to scrape!!


Alysha H. Leto

*As for the insurance on the boat, I don't think we had enough to cover the cost of what it's going to cost to repair the boat. We had good liability insurance, just not good full coverage. In addition, we will have to pay a $2,500 deductible.[/size][/font][/left]
I truly emphathise with your loss, gone through about seven years of it myself...

I cant emagine some one going through a holocost like that and turning around and destroying some one elses property.

deffenantly sounds like some one wanted you out of the bussness.

with the new bankrupsy laws will you be able to file?

I know the new laws realy hurt the general working class. I know it is something you never want to do, but there are the extreem cases, and this sounds like one...

I know they put up grants though your state and though the fed gov to rebuild or create new busness in the area. have you applied for those?