08-01-2006, 08:30 AM
[] I just wanted to thank the people that came and saved our butts at willard bay on sunay. We thought that we would go to the south marina but we got shut down early when the motor decided to shut down and would'nt start again. A big boat it was white with blue interior with a trolling motor on the back came to our rescue. they pulled us all the way to the north marina. When we got to the boat dock we were really glad that we were back to the truck. The only problem was that they would'nt take any money for pulling us back to the marina. I can't tell you how much we appreciated the pull back to the marina. that just goes to show you that there are still some good people in the world. I still would like to give those people some money for all the help THANK YOU to who ever were. trfishin