For those of you who would like to know what the DWR has stocked so far this year into Utah waters, I now have the full complete data up to about a week and a half ago.
This data will be updated on a regular basis now (approximately every 2 weeks, as soon as the data comes in from the DWR field officers and is given to me by the DWR.
You can find the stocking report at the following page:
[url ""][/url]
Also, for those of you who were concerned earlier this year about how the DWR had not stocked any rainbow trout into Strawberry all year, well, the data is there now and they have stocked PLENTY of rainbows now (larger sized than they were before).
Soon I will have posted the entire 2005 fish stocking report as well, so you can see what was stocked last year too.
Thanks for the info.
I do have a question though.Why in the CRAP is the DWR planting 2.5" kokes in the berry when they will be fish food for the cutts in there??Did they not learn anything from the rainbow minnows they were planting??I guess i will never understand there managment plan up there,and they wonder why the kokes numbers are so low.[crazy][pirate]
why does the DWR do half the silley things they do?
i still like the 80,0000 + tiger trout planted in Yuba my self..
for a lake that is supose to be managed as a Walleye fishery they sure seam to be putting a lot of trout in it!
I do not know for certain, but I would guess that they do not have the space in the hatcheries to hold them.
They take the eggs from the spawning Kokanee at the reservoir itself, raise them to that size, then return them to the reservoir. They have a much higher mortality rate if they just leave them in the reservoir/tributaries to hatch naturally. This improves their odds of living, although obviously it would be even better if they let them get bigger first.
I think they release them back into the stream where they were captured so that they can find it again when they become adults and get the urge to spawn.
...or largemouth, or smallmouth, or bluegill, or crappie.
I love trout as much as the next die-hard Utah fisherperson, but how about a little variety?
I would love to see some stocking reports on perch, walleye, and the species I mentioned above in some Utah waters.
Maybe some day . . . . . . . . .
there was one smallmouth stocking of 48 fish i seen at minersville..
woop-pee do!!
Didn't catch that one little inclusion. Thanks for pointing it out.
The word "management" is not in the vocabulary or handbook of the DWR. They couldn't manage a single gold fish in a bowl.
Gotta take exception to you there my man. Without their efforts about the only damn thing we would be catching nowadays would be descendents of some clowns discarded goldfish.
Right on jim!!
I thought I was the only one on here that Ripped the DWR like that!
sometime they realy do need it tho!
i still find it hard to figurout how a agentcy that is supose to be the will of the pepole can make so many of the peploe as mad as they do with out someone being fired or ran out of office?
They have certainly made their fair share of mistakes, but I think they do an ok job considering the resources they are given.
Bass, bluegill, perch, etc. do not need to be stocked to maintain their numbers. Natural reproduction of these fish sustain the fishery in almost any water that they are planted. In fact, they often stunt and overpopulate through natural reproduction.
Trout, however, are more delicate (read, pansy) fish, and cannot reproduce enough in most Utah waters to sustain their numbers (with the exception of high elevation brookies, which stunt and overpopulate too).
I would like to see more Tiger Trout and Tiger musky planted, though, instead of mushy no-finned planter 10 inch rainbows.
hey cat-man you are somewhat Right..
see here in Sanpete in the good old day's 10 years ago before the drout years of the resent past.. we had around 20 lakes, ponds teaming with perch, bluegill, sunfish, and catfish! and even 1 or 2 with LM Bass.. now we have 1 that has some perch in a very small amount. so small that they are allways on the edge of being wiped out every year!
now i'll ask you and everyone on the board here this qustion?
is it not the responsability of the DWR to also maintain these lakes and ponds as well as the slime rockit lakes in the area?
why does the DWR do half the silley things they do?
i still like the 80,0000 + tiger trout planted in Yuba my self..
for a lake that is supose to be managed as a Walleye fishery they sure seam to be putting a lot of trout in it! [/reply]
I am begining to wonder if yuba will ever be a walleye water again. It seems to me that the Udwr is more satisfied with the trout in there (i cant blame them the trout are doing awesoms there) then the pain and hard work brought forth with the walleye and their tendancy to boom and bust. The had reported that they were waiting for the perch to establish, which still needs a year or two more, before the walleyes would return. However lately i have seen no mention on the behalf of the DWR for the return of the walleye.
I guess the state really does need more trout waters, i takes almost 2 hands to count the walleye waters in the state as it is.
fear not my Walleye deprived friend's out there we still have a hole card!
we will get help from a sorce that most of us hate!
the carp will return to the lake in masses once again soon!
after they return them trout's will high tail it to cleaner water!
that's why YUBA has never been a very good trout pond for many a year!