Today i finally picked up my license. i know i know, about freaking time right guys. well anyways me and my girl went over to rockcliff and tried our hand at some bass. only thing we were catching were perch. but for shore fishing it wasnt a bad day. ended up keeping 4 1 to 2 pound perch. decent size this year. stoked for the fish fry though, haha. stoked to be fishing again.
you know what they say, better late than never.
sounds like you did good.
besides, it would have been an incredible day to go
[cool][#0000ff]Hey Lad, whereya been?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Were those 1-2 pound perch...or 1-2 inch perch? Saw lots of little ones last trip I made there but couldn't catch any larger than about 9".[/#0000ff]
Me thinks the boys been away too long! Kinda of forgot what a pound is LOL. But 2 pounds, I haven't seen one over 8oz this year.
Sweet on the license, It's good for a full year now. You can fish till Aug. of 2007.
Sounds like you got into some nice perch, that scale you have is junk, get a tape.
I remember the days when FishBoy2 was one of the guys now some babe has a chain around his neck and he has lost all sense of good judgment.
I fished over an area in my tube that I had previously fished from shore on saturday with a dropshot rig, a jig, and a worm. 2 perch were subdued, only 4" long, as well as about 12 chubs, all over 14". It sucked. Anyone else catch chubs at rockcliffs?
I fished there last week with TD and afriend and there were no signs of suckers. We only caught miniscule perch and smallies and very few at that. TD caught a couple eaters but no 2# perch.[

haha, no lie shere guys, i got the first pounder and the second one was caught by my liz we weighed them twice with different scales. 1.2 for mine and 1.7 for hers. i wanted to have a fish fry today for lunch but her dad ate them last night for dinner. guess i should go catch some more.
Sounds like a fish story to me! HA HA, just kidding, wish I could of seen em! Good job!
2 lb perch???[crazy] What have you been teaching your kid? Well, I have heard things are always bigger in Heber! [

LMAO You don't know the half of it MGB!!! I can live with the chain, its the ball thats attached to it that gets me!
We seen some of the perch you was catching ..... good fish story but I won't tell any one.....[


2 pound perch and leave wallet on the seat . Do you leave your keys in the vehicle too ? So where you fishing this weekend . You have any pics of this ball and chain . LOL [
