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We're new to fishing and decided we are so excited to try it that we each bought a year license. So far all we have is 2 poles (not terribly expensive but we think they will work well). We are going to Mantua this weekend to begin our fishing experience and need some advice on what to buy. We really have nothing but poles and line. I know we need weights and some hooks but we don't know which are best or better or anything. Some advice would be wonderful and much appreciated!

Thanks, The Passey's[blush]
You should go for perch and bluegill for starters. By a few of those red and white bobbers, and some fish hooks (small size, such as size 12 or 14) and a pack of nightcrawlers.

When you rig up the poles, put the bobber on the line a couple of feet above the hook. Put on only a small piece of worm on the hook, because if you put more, the fish will nibble the ends off and steal your bait without getting hooked.

I've never been to Mantua, but if you fish west of the dock, you should do ok. Good luck!!!
Just to modify cat_man's suggestions a bit, use LIGHT line, and small bobbers. I rarely use heavier than 4 or 6 lb test line for anything, except trolling, or wipers.
Good suggestions both, and I'll add that if you havent casted the fishing pole in the past that you spend a little time doing so before hand..

Best of luck and,,,,
First of all Welcome aboard Christine!

You've come to the right place to learn about the fine art of fishing. Getting out in the outdoors and drowning and few worms is just about as good as it gets, catching fish just makes it better. Keep asking questions and you will get answers. Since I"ve never fished Mantua, I'm not much help, but fishing is more than just poles, line & hooks. Spend some time learning how to cast so you don't strangle yourselves before you hit the water. I take my daughter into the yard and have her get used to the rod she will be using a day or two before we go out, and that gets the kinks out (just a pole with a weight on it). Make sure you have good line, so you don't waste your experience untangling and mess on your reel, that along can spoil the day. Then ask what works at the place you heading towards.

Good luck!
You've got some good info so far, but to clear up Cat_Man's direction as where to fish, you need to fish north of the boat dock and not west of it as you would be fishing for volkswagons and honda's.[Wink] Anyway, i took my little boy up last week and we fished right off the new sand(you will see it if you are by the dock) and he(we) caught about 25 or 30 fish in an hour and a half. Nothing big, but if you have small kids it will keep them interested.

Some more advice if you have never handled panfish is to watch out for the fins on their backs and the pointy are on the gill plate. They hurt and can draw blood very quickly. Grab them over the gill plate from both sides and apply some pressure. Not too much because you can damage the gills but just firm. Remove the hook with a pair of pliers and put them in a bucket or release them.

If anybnody else reads this thread and has some pics or diagrams of these species please post them.

I hope some of this info helps and welcome to the board and good luck.[Smile]
[Tongue][blush] boy do I feel sheepish. I took a guess at the direction, I just knew it was left if you are looking at the dock. Thanks for clearing it up for me. Never been there personally.[angelic]
How about some pics Cat_Man? You seem very computer litterate. I tied but i had no luck.
Tis ok, i knew you had never been there. Just didn't want them shaking their heads when they got there.[cool]
Ha, didn't think to try and find any pics. I'm too lazy. Ha!
Thank you all so much for the tips! As far as power bait goes, does it really matter what kind we get or will anything do? And as far as bobbers does clear vs. colored make a difference? And as far as line... we have 20 lb in our poles now. should we go buy lighter? These are all probably really basic silly questions but we have both only gone with people who knew what they were doing and we personally don't.
Some more advice if you have never handled panfish is to watch out for the fins on their backs and the pointy are on the gill plate. They hurt and can draw blood very quickly. Grab them over the gill plate from both sides and apply some pressure. Not too much because you can damage the gills but just firm. Remove the hook with a pair of pliers and put them in a bucket or release them.
Sorry I'm still trying to figure this thing out. Thanks for the advice on the panfish. I am sure I would be bleeding quick! I'll try and google some pictures to figure it out.
You're very welcome!

Clear bobbers will work fine, but the red and white clip on bobbers will be easier to put on/off and adjust. Smaller sizes are better.

Most people around here don't even use 20 lb. test for trout, bass, etc. It is definitely overkill for panfish such as perch and bluegill. 20 lb. test is ok for Channel Catfish.

That being said, I have found that bluegill usually do not care if you have thicker line, and will still readily hit your bait anyway, so it's your call. You can try it out first, then respool later with lighter line if you wish, or do it first.

Power bait is for trout only, pretty much. Different colors seem to produce better at different times, but generally, any rainbow colored power bait will do. It typically doesn't work as well for other fish like panfish, but it works great for trout.

If you want to learn more about sunfish and bluegill, go to:

[url ""][/url]

Here is a pic of a bluegill:

[Image: bluegill.jpg]

Notice the fin at the top -- it has spines. So do the fins on the bottom near the back, and the 'pectoral' fins (belly or 'armpit' area). you should get the hang of it pretty quick.
I've used 1/32 oz panther martin lures (silver) or small white curly tailed jigs with a white or green leadhead for white bass, crappie, or any other panfish.

If you're trout fishing with power bait use a small treble hook, the one that has the spring thing in the middle of it, it helps hold the power bait on the hook, then since the power bait floats put a weight about 12-16 inches above the hook this lets thr weight sit on the nbottom and the bait then floats off the bottom about 12-16 inches, fishing like this you can either use a bobber or not, I don't, I just watch the line and the give a sharp yank and the hook is set, fish on, and the fun starts. If you use a bobber just watch it and do it the same way.

If using a panther martin of tube jig you can sewwten the lure with some perch meat or a worm and just cast out, let it sink a little and reel in slowly, I may not have the best technique in the world but it catches fish. Some of these fish are more than happy to bite just about anything.

Good luck.
You should definitely replace your line with lighter line -- suggest 6 or 8 pound line. One of the problems with using heavier line is it tends to be more stiffer and also can coil more on the reel. Heavier line that coils more can tangle much easier and also makes it more difficult to cast.
Ahhh powerbait=trout. See I really am clueless! Thanks for the picture... gives me a better idea of what to avoid.

So as for weights... You don't need weights for lures or worms? Or bobbers... I know I used them with power bait but would you use them for lures or worms? Is it generally better to just cast out and let it hang out for awhile (as I've done with power bait and trout the one time 4 years ago I've been fishing) or do you slowly reel it in. I know there have been tips concerning this I'm just alittle Confused.

Once again thank you for helping some random chick learn the ropes to fishing! I feel silly because I am sure these are pretty basic questions.

Oh and we're going to get new line... out of everything that would have been the last thing we would have thought of! Thanks again!
What I would do if I was just learning the basic's is this. See if any of the guys on the board that have fished mantua to maybe show up and teach you a couple of things. I know there are quite a few people here willing to teach and show you there tricks. I would but I have to go out of town over the weekend and throu next week. Then after I get back my dance card is still pretty full for awhile. Being told and being shown are 2 different things. A personal instructor is always better. Besides that everone has given you wonderful info.
[black][size 3]Hey passeyism,[/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Welcome to BFT ![/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]You've gotten some good clues here so far, so you're not totally clueless anymore.[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]Yes, I would go with lighter line for the pan fish you are going after. Take your reel to a tackle store - like Sportsmans Warehouse, Fish Tech, or the like and have them spool the line on for you. It'll only cost a couple of bucks to do it. Also, while you are there, as one of the associates(sales people) to show you a few of the basics as far as rigging you set up. They will be glad to do so. They will also have an inexpensive (just a few dollars) starter kit for beginner anglers that will have an assortment of hooks, weights, bobbers, etc. [/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]As far as your other questions; [/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]Lures - these, you cast out and reel back in slowly for pan fish. Use really small lures. You do not need weights for them.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Worms - you will want what is called split shot weights. You don't need much weight, just enough to lower the worm down in the water. Cast out the worm and bobber, and just be patient.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Again, if you will spend a few minutes with an associate at one of the fishing tackle stores in your area, and explain you are a beginner, I am sure that they will take the time explain things a little better than what can be done here. [/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]Good luck and let us know how you did. Don't worry if you don't catch a lot at first. If you will look back on the board here, you will see many veteran anglers that report on a fishing trip where they didn't catch anything.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
Don't hesitate asking for a few tips from fellow anglers that you meet on the water. Most, but unfortunately not all, anglers are more than willing to help out someone just getting into fishing.
Thats a great idea to get a someone who knows what their doing to come to mantua and help us out... I think it would hurt my husbands pride though. I'm sure you guys can understand that. Hence why it is me here online asking for instruction and not him... hehe...

All the advice I've gotten so far is excellent! I think we might be going to buy more stuff tonight... so if I think of questions after that I'm sure I'll be back on here asking!

Once again thanks a ton!