Fishing Forum

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Hey guys i just joined this forum and i need some help knowing what to use to fish in my pond. The pond is fillled with weeds and grass and i know that there are bass, carp and catfish in the pond. What is some advice you guys have on fishing here like what lures should i use and where should i cast.
kman is my friend and ive fished in this pond with him and its rediculus there are big bass and monsterous carp but the whole lake is like a weed field and we dont know if the weeds go all the way to the ground or if they are just floating so we dont know if there are fish hidden in them. also there are alot of frogs in this lake so maybe knowing that will help u tell us wat to use there. thanks guys
Weeds from top to bottom...made in heaven for frog baits and oversized T-rigged worms on top of the slop.

Best bet for a big bass comes at 3 distinct periods of the day for this scenario...just as the sun begins to rise; just as the sun begins to set; and, at the hottest part of the day (don't ask why, I don't know, but historically, I've caught some of my biggest bass at the hottest part of the day.
Welcome to BFT!!!!!!!!!!!

As strange as this may sound, i've been known to tie the business end of a steel toothed garden rake to a strong rope and make a few casting lanes. True it's going to stir up the fishing for a while, but the after affect is much like you'd get when cutting shooting lanes around your favorite deer stand.
LOL for weed infested ponds that's a pretty good tip.
Good tip Tarpon4me, we've done that with props from our boats and it did create a great fishing area. If you fellas can't do that, then you may also try a texas rig useing a heavy sinker and 30lb test line to punch through to get to the bottom. You will need a strong line to pull them out.