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[angelic]I just returned from meeting my latest grandson! The family has just relocated to a home that is near a small private pond that they have been encouraged to fish. The three species we caught were LMB, bluegill and a green sunfish.

True to his reputation, TD sent me with a new fishing rod for his brother (Liam) and mother. Liam will be 10 next month, but had never fished. Since the pond had several clumps of weeds, I decided the best way to get him started was with a jig below a bobber. You should have seen the look on his face when it went down for the first time! Unfortunately, I had forgotten to take my camera. We caught and kept 4 LMB our first trip out.

The next evening I took Liam and we spent another 3 hours at the pond. I have attached a couple of photos showing the pond we were fishing and one of Liam holding the stringers of the fish we kept to add to those previously caught. Because the pond hasn't been fished regularly, the owner encouraged us to keep everything we caught (we lost count of the small ones we threw back). The LMB's we kept all were in the 12-14 inch range and the bluegill were about 9 inches.

I filleted and cooked the fish the night before leaving for home. Because of the heat, we sauted them on the top of the stove with garlic, butter and olive oil and served them liberally sprinkled with sesame seeds. They were a big hit!

The first night out, Liam's mom was caring for the baby on a blanket nearby. As she watched us catching fish, she asked to use the rod I had saying "it's like riding a bike ... you never forget how". She has assured me that she and Liam will be spending a lot of time at the pond!
I bet Liam will remember his successful introduction to fishing for a long time. I know I remember the first few fish I caught, and those who taught me how, some 30-plus years after the experience.

Very nice report and pics.
Great report Delores. I'm sure that Liam will be visiting that pond regularly.
I bet that was quite the look on his face when that bobber went under,The older I get The funnier it is to take kids and adults out fishing that have never been fishing.
A few weeks ago the company I work for had a party down at Yuba and I took some kids fishing that have never been,I found a good school of perch and they had a great time,There dad was helping me bait hooks as fast as we could get them back in the water they had another one on.
Great memmories to take with you down the road of life.
good on ya,TUBEBABE
[cool][#0000ff]It was good to get the reports of the grandson's successful intro to fishing. Only downside is that Liam is a bit reluctant to hold the fish himself. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I can remember when TubeBabe suffered the same affliction. She graduated to using a towel to hold them and now she is a full-fledged fish-grabber. She grabs hold and rassles 'em like a pro.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We all started somewhere. It is great when a family member is able to help a rookie angler to catch that all important first fish and to catch the fishing fever. We gots lots of that in our fambly.[/#0000ff]