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Full Version: Tough Bite on the Kankakee - 8/15/06
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kickinbass and I hit the Kankakee today and man was it ever a tough bite today!
Conditions were stacked against us, but we made the best of it...

air temps were somewhere between 65 - 75
water was slightly turbid with visibility down to 1.5 feet
humidity - 65%
barometer - 30.18
atmosphere - fairly clear and bright
wind - NNE 3mph

We worked all the areas they should have been, and a few that they shouldn't have been in...there were minnows everywhere, millions of em and the carp were a little rambunctious but we did our best.'s one of Don's bass
[Image: Don1.jpg]

Primarily cast a buzz bait, and various plastics, although we did get bit on a Sizmic Toad and a tandem willow leaf spinner bait...kick can correct me if I'm wrong, but I thing the final tally for the afternoon was 15 bass boated, and between 7 - 10 got the best of us.'s one of
my small ones.
[Image: KBbass.jpg]

Nature Notes: we were fortunate enough to see a bald eagle soaring overhead again, and 3 white egrets perched high above the water in a stark tree.

...all in all, another great time was had by us (the Kankakee Boys) down by the Kankakee.
