Let's open a can of worms..lol. In your personal opinion, what is the best all around Deer cartridge today? If you want to add the rifle brand/make, that's fine too. <br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
Ghost that is a tough one, being on the west coast and most of my hunting taking place on the west coast (which hasn't been as often as I would like in the last couple years) if deer is the only game I will be hunting when I'm out, I like the distance of the .270 with a 3 x 9 scope. If am hunting deer and have beer or wild boar tags I like the 30-06. Although I don't do a lot of heavy brush hunting I think just about every deer hunter has at one piont or another in thier life owned a lever action Winchester 94 30-30, which is a great brush gun.<br><br>Mike<br><br>
Hey Mike, Are those western Beer tags hard to get? I'd like to apply for the Corona tags or maybe the Tequiza. I could sure use them during our hot, humid Tennessee summer..lol, j/k<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
Hello Ghost,<br>Did I say beer? I guess you can tell what I was thinking about, You know your getting old when you need a 30-06 to tackle a Corona! If you ever get out this way, I'd be happy to take you beer hunting, I'm sure we can round up some beer tags pretty easily (lol)! <br><br>Mike<br><br>
Absolutely Mike. I'll be in Idaho the first of August on a Gold prospecting expedition. It can get fairly hot that time of year and a cold one would be nice!<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
Hello Bama,<br>That is a great gun! Where about do you hunt?<br><br>Before you leave today why not

,<br><A HREF="http://www.bigfishtackle.com/comics.htm" target="_new">http://www.bigfishtackle.com/comics.htm</A><br>Mike
I guess I could have posted my own favorite..lol. I've used many calibers over the years but my all time favorite would have to be the .280. I have taken Whitetails, Mulies, Antelope, Elk and Bears (add a few Exotics too) with my M-77 Ruger. I use a Redfield Illuminator widefield in 3x9. It has excellent accuracy, and plenty of power on Deer size game, even at longer ranges. Shot placement being paramount, most cartridges will do a good job, if the hunter does theirs. Good hunting, and let's hear more favorites. Thanks, Ghost<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
I have two 30.06, so i think you know what cal. i like! It has good distance, and its good for close shots ( in the bush ). It also does a job on the bears that i''ve shot!! Remember, keep your safe on till your ready to shoot!! Bye, Flagmanonice<br><br>
I live in Okla. and have harvested at least 3 deer a year for the past 4 years. I shoot a 243 rem. with a full manlieker stock. I've never had a deer run more than 20 yds. I must owe it all to shot placement and not knock-down power.Practice is the key.Now I would'nt take a 250 yard shot on a 600lb bull though.lol<br> thanks<br> treestep<br><br>
Shot the .300 WSM recently. Nice cartridge. Too heavy for normal Deer hunting but a big plus on long range scenarios. Will sure put a Deer down in a hurry, but so will a .30-30..lol. The controversy will remain but many rifles will do an excellent job on Deer. Marksmanship is the true key. Practice every chance you get. Good hunting, Ghost<br><br><br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
I would dare say that it has to be the 30-06 220 grain silver tip<br>for factory ammo. Holding a group the size of a silver dollar at a hundred yards out of a Browning A-Bolt Gold Medallion.<br><br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown
jUST READ THE posts TO THE AGE OLD QUESTIONS AND FOUND IT INTERESTING. well being from Alberta Canada, where we grow even the little White tails to over 250 lbs on the hoof let me express my opinion. My Pride and joy is a Custom Converted Bolt Action Enfield 30:06 and when it starts pushing that 150gr sp it topples the biggest of em. Of course nothing falls if not hit correctly. Shot placement is still the biggest factor in harvesting any game. I like the 30:06 stopping power and the bolt action for reliable accuracy. It bucks brush well with the heavier 220 loads for a bit of confidence when I am in the woods with large bear.<br>Wiggley worms and fair winds to all. <br><br>ALAN S BELL
Let that be a lesson to ya punks!
Nikon would be a good choice. They're spot on technology is great and you can also get a custom turret for your caliber for a decent price.