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the guys came back from the detroit river, the word is walleyes are bitting mad..... today.... wonder if that will carry over in to saturday...
as I suspected, the walleye hit hard and heavey today....

my buds came back again from the river today bragging about eyes averaging in the 6-10 pound class, anything under twenty inches they released.

four men, four limits. four loads of laundry that needed to be dried after todays steady drizzle which heald on for the first 6 hours of daylight......

to bad I missed that boat....
Same thing is going on up here too
Limits of walleye out of tawas and white beach
I dont get time too go tho......[Sad]
I just got the report from those same budz, I guess they were trying to pull a hat trick...[laugh] The sun came out about half way though sunday and nipped that in the bud...

they came back one shy of a 4 man boat limit... they said they could have brought home a limit if they would have kept one of a dozen released eyes under 20 inches. So no hat trick award for them..LOL

With out a doubt I would have loved to be there too. No boat worthy of hitting the detroit river at my house.

I too am short of water time, now that I have finished my roof I have to scrape and paint the house, on top of finding a job to pay for the roof on top of trying to get my own business started...

I have gotten reports on walleye coming out of our inner lakes this weekend in the area as well.... Makes me wonder what our Hot walleye season will be like. we arent in the prime walleye season yet...[crazy]

I wonder, Walleye Fishing or Deer Hunting....hmmmm [shocked] To bad there isnt a place to tie up my boat and fish for walleyes while hunting for deer...[laugh] I dont think they would apreciate me hunting on Bell Isle "for the old timers Hogs Island"

I got a brand new 104 dollar meijers Minn Kota electirc trolling motor and deap cell battery to replace the new 5 horse Brigs I had to sacrifice last year. Havent taken it out of the plastic yet. I did get it out of the box and set it in my bedroom,

Them crickets have been yelling at me every day now to go fishing... big fat black juicy ones...
Walleyes here too !
the canoe has been out a few times , the boat hasen't seen water since roosterfish was up here[unsure] .
I'm putting it to the test during the salmon run thou .
I didn't get any kings this weekend but I did manage a few browns by the high bridge for a campfire dinner[Wink] .
worms out preformed the panther martin spinners , but you should have seen the big brown that followed one of the p.m. spinners in to shore before turning away [shocked]!