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Full Version: Saturday's fishin....
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Buddy had the doc apt. early sat and came over after that. We went out for breakfast first before going out to fish. On way home from eating wife says looks like going to rain as it was pretty deep, dark and heavy over cast in the morning. Dropped wife off and load his truck up with our toys and hit the road. Almost a half way on light rain drops hit his windshield and I thought it would lighten up as the day goes by....but it didn't. It became a downpour so hard and we thought to turn around and go home. It was an hour away from home, and it might be a different looking weather over there so we kept driving. OH.... big lightings now....not too good news but he kept on driving anyway. Got in town and he need gas for his truck as it was almost drying up the tank. Found no power in a part of that town and can't get gas there... he was being to worry about not getting any gas! I knew a few around and we went to some and same story no power. Found one as everyone did the same going there and it was packed! Still raining non stop since we got in town but no more lightings. MMMM thought about it and we didn't want to back out so stopped to get some bait for bluegill fishing this time. Then stopped at the Department of Natural Resources site office to ask about how many bluegills we were allowed to catch as we couldn't find that part in the rule book. He knew and said as many as you wanted but only one lake at Ponderosa the limit is ten. Talked about the weather and he says hears no more thunders and would be raining all day. Got packed and ready to walk down the trail to the lake, rain starts to lighten up. Once there it stopped. MMMM sounds like somebody up there wanted us to have a nice day..... Start casting the old Rapala and caught bass but I knew we didn't have much time to chase those bass if we were going to have bluegills for dinner with our wife that day. Tried the jigs and nothing was hitting. Set up one pole for the bobber with worms and still not hitting. Moved around the lake trying to find those bluegills and trying tricks, bobber or no bobber, close to shore, far from shore......nothing! MMMMM tried one more trick cast both rods out without the bobber and let it sink while I back fin around....Bam a big fat bluegill! Now found the spot and caught a few more that way. All big ones that I used to catch them this late in the season almost in the middle of the lake. Buddy wasn't catching any in a long while then he came over and bam he had one on....mmmm not a bluegill as I can tell the way it fights and knew it was a channel cat. He says wow what a fight it puts on! I had the three cats and let two of them go as both were too big for the fish basket as I didn't want them to tear it up. I got seven big bluegills and he caught one but it flipped out of the basket of his. One of the fish I caught we never saw it before, it fought hard and bent my rod into the water and gave me a little water ski. When it got tired I got it up close and lip held it and prettiest fish....but have no idea what it was. It was all silver and white mouth and hunched back and had a sharp needle about a pencil diameter on the rear just before the tail on the bottom like those cats that have three of them it was about three inches long. That fish was about 20 inches long and was about eight inches tall and tapers out to the tail about three inches. Anyone know what it is? Caught bass while fishing for bluegills and one was 17 inches. Nice day and overcast air was 73 and water was warm for us. No more rain all the fishing time and the way home! Cooked the bluegills, corn on the cob, hamburgers and had a few beers. Very nice time!
[cool][#0000ff]Good report. It is always great when you can salvage a good trip from a day that just doesn't look like you should be fishing.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sounds like you had some fun with the kitties. Now you know why I like them so much. They pull hard. I would like to see a picture of your mystery fish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]A good meal of bluegills is hard to beat. Glad you got enough for dinner.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]mystery fish.... [/size][/#0000ff]
[#000000][size 1]I asked around and found it was the Drum fish.[/size][/#000000]
[cool][#0000ff]Yeah, drum are good fighters and good eating. But, they are often considered second rate citizens. They can get pretty big and they do hit lures so they are popular with some anglers.[/#0000ff]
Yes it is. I have caught alot of sheepheads and they were only 12 inches long but this one got 20 inches long and weight pretty good around maybe five pounds?