There have been quite a few requests for information about posting pictures, here is the one that i have been sending out. I tried to be quite detailed so this is a long post, it might be good to copy this and paste it into a word editor and then print it.
It is kind of involved, you need to have your pictures on a web page, I
just made my own free page on BFT it took me quite a while to figure it out,
but here goes.
1.. At the top of the BFT message board, click "Big fish fun"
2.. click "build free site"
3.. sign up for your free site and give the info they request
4.. activate your site by clicking the link on the e-mail they send you and then sign in
5.. click "preview website" and then "publish website"
6.. Now you should be able to upload pictures by clicking on the "sitebuilder" link at the top
7.. then click the "add/edit image" button on the left under image library
8.. upload images using the "browse" button and tell it what pictures to upload by telling it what folder it is saved in and then highlighting the picture in the file then click "open"
9.. click "upload custom image" and wait for the picture to upload
10.. repeat for more pictures
11.. resize all of the pictures to no more than 400 wide and about 100 wide for signature picture like the one I have
12.. build a photo album by clicking on the "photo album" link on the left side under pages (you may want to build a home page also)
13.. move your pictures to the photo album by naming an album and then clicking on the "edit"button and then clicking "add images" button
14.. Once you have added images to your photo album click "preview website" and then click "publish website"
15.. now go to that site (the e-mail that they send you has a link to it) click on the link at the bottom of your home page that is named after the photo album that you created
16.. open the image that you want to put in a post. now that it is enlarged, right click the image and then "copy shortcut"
17.. Now go to BFT message board and type your message. There are two ways to put the picture in the message. One way is to put your cursor in the place you want the picture and then
18.. click the image icon at the top of the message, (lookslike a framed picture) In the text box that appears delete the "http.//" that automatically appears and then paste the link to your picture that you copied earlier.
19.. now click preview message and your picture should be in the previewed message
Like I said, it is pretty involved, but I hope this helps, Post a question if this doesn't work for you.
Take care
Are these the same instructions you gave me? I guess I should just read them. I could not get my pictures to upload from my computer to my new web site. WH2
You might have to edit your picture first. The site will only accept pics that are not real big. If you have an imaging program try opening it there and resize the pic to upload if it is to big.
WH2, yes these are the same with a couple revisions. I had a problem getting mine to upload as well. I had to publish my site before it would let me upload my pics. Also it would only let me upload one at a time. When you try to upload by clicking "upload custom image" does it show an error message or does it just sit there?
Both, I've tried over a dozen times and sometimes it shows an error but usually it just sits there. WH2
Thanks ssor, I'll try that. WH2
Some forums allow you to attch a picture thus avoiding creating a web site. Can you do that here?
we are envestigating the posibility of implimenting this in the near future.
untill that time you can send them to me and I will up load them for you.
that requires a ton of server space . . and i mean a ton! the pics gotta 'expire' after 14 days or so cause new pics are always comin' in . . so the pics dissappear quickly . .
]Thanks plecopterahopper I was just about to post a question on how to post pics then I saw this post Usually I'm pretty good at figuring this computer stuff out but the pics where a little too tricky to figure out myself well good fishin!
test attachment
Hello Guys,
Pictures can be uploaded at the bottom of every post.
Note the little bar at the bottom of the post or reply screen, its labeled "attachment".
Click browse, locate the file you are intrested in uploading on your computer, double click the file, click upload attachment.
Your file is now uploaded on our servers. You will notice a small icon on the bottom of your post. If you click the file name you will be taken to a screen displaying your pitcture. At this piont simply click and drag your mouse over the picture until it is selected, click "edit" (in your top browser menu) then click copy, you can now click the back button taking you back to your post. Click in the advanced editor box and select "edit" paste. Your picture should now be in your post. I have tested it in this previous post and am about to test copy and pasting it an the next post on this thread.
Test Succesful
that works, only one question, dose the place that takes the pics resize them to the maximum width?
editing is not a problem....
just ran a couple test and every thing works fine on my end.....[cool][cool][cool]
no need for further adjustments....[cool][cool][cool]
Hello Dave,
No this does not resize. Users should size pics witha maximum width of 350 pixels (or we can do it for them).
This is avalable from any board when posting or replying.
Here is how you can post an attached file like one attached to an email. I have included a step by step way of doing it.
When you click on the browse button a new dialog box will show up. See Step 2
Select the photo you want to post to Big Fish Tackle web server. I keep all my photos on My Pictures folder under My Documents. There are several ways you can upload pictures. You could use your CD ROM, ZIP Drive, Floppy Drive, Camera, etc...
Once your photo has been selected it will be placed in the box on Step 4. Then click on the button that says upload attacment
When this is done you will notice that the green bar will start to move to the right. Your file is uploading to the site. See Step 5
[size 1]
[size 3]When finished it will place it on the lower bar area of the post. See Step 6[/size][size 1]
[size 3]Post you message and you are done![/size][size 1]
[size 3]Notice your post is listed with an attached file. All someone has to do is click on the attached file and Bammm it's there. Good Luck![][][][/size][size 1] [/size]
[size 1] [/size]
[size 4]Here is the step-by-step procedure on posting your pictures, graphics, or videos on the message boards[/size][/left] [left]
[size 4][/size][/left]
[size 3]
Step 1 [/size]
Resize your photos to
400 Pixels Wide (Approximately 5.5 Inches Wide)
300 Pixels Long (Approximately 4.2 Inches Long)
Check out your graphic program you have on you computer. Most programs will let you down size your photos. If you don't have a graphic program, then use Microsoft's free program MS Paint. You can find this on any computer with Microsoft Windows. I don't know the programs that are used for Apple Computers. In MS Paint just open your photo then select
Image on the menu bar and them find and select
Attributes... Here you can change the width and height. Just place 400 in the width and 300 in the height boxes. Your done with your photo.
[size 4]
Step 2 [/size]
You need to place your photo on a website server. Big Fish Tackle has a place you can go to and make your own website. This is what I am talking about. When finished you will have an address where the photo can be found.
Example Only [url ""][/url] [center][#ff0000][size 1]
(This is a none working link example only)[/size][/#ff0000][/center] [center]
[#ff0000][size 1][/size][/#ff0000][/center] [left]
[size 4]Step 3[/size][/left] [left]Select new post and look at photo below[/left] [left]Select the graphic icon where the red arrow is pointing. [/left] [left]
[/left] [left][size 4]
Step 4 [/size][/left] [left]A new dialog box will show up so you can place an address where your photo, graphic, or video can be found. [/left] [left]
If you get this (the broken link is what we call it) you have a problem with the link.
If you were successful and see a photo come up like this then it worked.
[url ""][/url]
[center][url ""][/url][/center] [center]
[size 5]WOW! That is great[/size][/center] [center]
[size 5]That is all you have to do.[/size][/center] [center]
[size 5]I hope you find this helpful. [/size][/center] [center]
[size 5]Good Luck![/size][/center]