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Full Version: Strawberry 9/5 report
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Fished Strawberry with my wife yesterday. Don't often get a chance to get out fishing with her (her choice), so I especially enjoy those rare times that we get out together. My second trip in a row to Strawberry that I didn't even fire up the trolling motor. Vertically jigged the whole trip. MGB, maybe there is hope after all for me.[Smile] Rigged my wife up with a slip bobber so that the jig was just above the bottom in 34 feet of water. That worked well, because she could just watch the bobber and know when she was getting a bite. Only problem was the bobber kept getting too close to the boat, which made it hard to see, and difficult to set the hook. We caught enough fish to make it interesting, and for some strange reason I had an extremely difficult time hooking them early, and later they would tap it once or twice really light and not come back for more. Put some new badly-needed carpet on the trailer, while the boat was in the water.
When they hit real soft and only one quick one it is tough to hook up.At least you got into enough to keep it interesting. So, did you impress the wife?
Well good for you Kent . My wife has yet to get on my boat and I have had it for a year now . Now she blames the boat fishing saturday for me going back into the hospital this week . I just can't win at home . Can't wait to get on the my boat again . Hopefully I will be well soon so I can get out of the house again .
Great you could get your wife to go,mine goes with me once in a while,but does not fish very often.She just like to be on the boat,looking at the Birds,etc
Sounds like a fun trip Kent. Getting the Mrs out, and having a nice time, will often qwell the occasional rant about the boat.
My wife goes out with me occasionally, she's been twice with me to Strawberry, along with my daughter(s). I also took my mom and dad last month on the big boat to the Berry. My mom caught a 24.5 incher all by herself! Usually the times that I take my wife and kids, they outfish me as I'm usually watching their poles and coaching and putting chub meat on the hooks, netting their fish, etc, etc, and during all this out of the corner of my eye I'm watching my pole bounce up and down and never get to it in time!
Sounds like you had a very relaxing day with Mrs. Kentofnsl!
[size 1]"So, did you impress the wife?"[/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]After being married for 35 years she is already impressed or never will be, whichever is the case.[unimpressed][/size]
Thanks for the report... Sounds like you had a good time. I wish I could get my wife to go with me more often. [Tongue]
Hey Kent,

Happy to hear that you and your wife had a good time.
Did you get the throttle cable fixed?

Danzilla put on the one that came off of Petty's boat. It works great now.
[cool][#0000ff]Where is "Stawberry"?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Glad you and the Mrs. could get out together. I'm sure it helps ease the stress with everything else you have to deal with right now.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good luck, and keep on keepin' on.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The sturgeon are calling.[/#0000ff]
It is located right next to Strawberry [Wink].
[cool][#0000ff]I suppose that fishing is best during months with an "R" in them.[/#0000ff]
Here is picture proof that the wife fished with me.

[inline "K. Strawberry (Small).JPG"]