went over to yuba yesterday. we got there later than we hoped we would about 11:00 we were on the water.. went right over to my perch hole to start the day.. the perch were thick in there and we had no problem catching a bunch of them jigging.. after about 2 hours of nonstop catching we decided to try for some other fish.. so we headed out for the dam area to look for some trout.. seen losts of marks down deep and got jiggy with them but no takers.. worked them for around 2 or 3 hours.. not'a but some more perch here and there.. about 3:30 we went to the south end of the lake to explore my old catfishing grounds.. got there set up for some cats tryed for about 2 1/2 hours we did get 4 small cats around 10 to 12 inches so there are some left in there and a lot of carp!! there was ton's of carp all over in the area.. looks like the trout day's might be just about over for this lake!
well about this time the wether was getting a little nasty where we where so headed back to the painted rock area and set on a point for some end of the day catching of perch.. we hit a 100 or so more and called it a day right as a realy big thunder head cut lose over the area we were just in!! all in all not a great day fishing other than the perch fishing.. but not to bad..
Sounds like fun Ron. Did you manage to reduce the carp numbers at all? I hope that they lift the mandatory c&r on the perch soon. Heck even a 10 fish limit wouldn't be too bad. Any size to the perchies?
well lett's just say all the carp we cought were relested unharmed other than the big crack in there heads from the fishbat [sly].. and the 3 that went in my frezzer for cat bait oh and the 2 that was used as cat bait yesterday.. [

size on the perch? well lett's just say that 10 big perch out of yuba would = 50 perch out of any other lake in Utah!! we cought some that were pushing 16 inches and around 1 1/2 lbs.. [sly]
it was to bad i could not take some home for a perch fry tho! they sure looked good!
Glad to hear the perchies are thriving.I bet the pike and the 2 or 3 walleyes left in there are having a feast
] After yuba was drained i saw a ton of vegetation on the painted rocks side and i hope its still under water so the perch can maintain cover from predators (fuzzy).[

]Were the bigger perch in deeper water? I have never caught a cat out of yuba hopefully they get in there in numbers.
the big perch were mixed in with the smaller perch.. we just had to weed through the smaller ones to get the bigger ones.. or use my top sercret perch jig i made up last week just for targeting the bigger perch.. [

] it worked better than i thought it would!
as for the catfish in yuba they have been there for years.. but yuba is not like utah lake the cat's are not every where in the lake.. so finding them is the trick.. and for some reasion night fishing or very early morning before the sun comes up is about the only time the big boys come out to play.. the only time i have seen them active in the day time is in spring when the run off is high then it's a all day all night thing.. but every now and then you can get one to hit in the day time.. when it's a day like we had this weekend with lot's of clouds and dark sky's..
there is still lot's of vegetation all over the painted rock area.. the lake is down about 20 feet.. the ramp at painted rock is still in the water and it's 25 feet deep out around the island.. i think the farmers are about done this year so the water will start comeing back up soon.. should be a good year for the perch again next year.. and the wether patern is look very good this year for a great water year should be good for all the lakes around..
Great report fuzzy! FYI: the current records for perch are:
Regular record for Yellow Perch:
1984 2 lb 11 oz 15 1/8" 9 3/4" Ray Johnson [url "http://www.utahfishinginfo.com/utahlakes/yuba.php"]Sevier Bridge Reservoir (Yuba)[/url]
Catch and Release Record for Yellow Perch:
03/04/00 15 1/4" Brad Cutler [url "http://www.utahfishinginfo.com/utahlakes/yuba.php"]Yuba Reservoir[/url]
If they were pushing 16 inches, you might have had the record on your hands!
yes i rember them days well my self.. and i have cought lot's of big perch out of yuba and gunnison res (when it had perch) but the perch we were catching were not at fat as the ones of old! yet that is.. they are long enough but have not got the fat down just yet!
soon they will be knocking on the door of the records tho!! [sly]
as you see in the records 15 1/4 inches and 2lb 11oz.. the ones we were hitting were 15 to 16 inches but only 1 to 1 1/2 lbs.. so as soon as them big mothers start getting egg's then you could very well see the record fall!
The catch and release record is only measured by length, not weight. That one you could have beat! [cool]
yeah i seen that as well.. lol
i have passed up 3 of them C&R's allredy,in the last 3 years, 24 1/2" splake at Joe's Valley. 23" tiger trout at huntington, 16" perch at yuba.. not real records in my book tho.. when i can keep A perch at yuba i'll try for the rocord. tell then it's just for fun! [sly]
thanx fuzzy
those are some dandy size! i cant wait till the reg,s change just like you said. couple them look realy good mixed in the eye mounts on the wall.
to tell ya the truth i would like to get 5 or 6 of them big perch and make a wall mount of just them with a tree branch in the back ground.. they are some cool looking fish when they get that size!
putting a walleye or pike mount under them would finish the seen niceley tho!! [sly]