[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Unfortunately forest fires also take their toll on our lakes, rivers & streams. Anyone felt the impact of the recent fires on your favorite fishing hole? I'm certain TubeN2 will have some feedback.[/size][/green][/font]
This summer and fall its been extra wet up here in the Northeast. That has ruined some of my fishing oppertunities, but better to be wet than burning.
Not only is it wreaking havoc on the traffic to my fishing hole, but they are also in the process of draining Castaic for their "Once a decade" maintenance. They are draining the water down by 50 ft[crazy]
I don't fish near enough as what's healthy for me. There have been no major fires in the areas where I fish. But Thursday a little old lady who lives on a mountain side in Davis County,Utah, decided that the dry brush in her back yard was a fire hazard so she tried to do a controlled burn. The fire got away and torched 400 acres before fire fighters and a two day rainstorm put it out. Charges are pending.
Its not quite my regular fishing hole, but there have been several fires around the gunflint trail in the boundry waters canoe area here in NE Minnesota. It is a couple hours away from me and yet we still se the smoke from it.